- Acronim: NanoBioMat 2022
- Start: 22 June 2022
Final: 24 June 2022 - Durata: 3 zile
- Instituție coordonatoare: UPB-CNMN – Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București – Centrul Național de Micro și Nanomateriale & AOSR
The final program for NanoBioMat 2022 summer edition
The topics for the conference include:
• novel materials;
• surface chemistry;
• air and soil bioremediation;
• composite materials and biomaterials;
• applications of natural compounds and chemical products;
• nanomaterials and bionanomaterials for the controlled release of biologically active
• bionanoproducts for tissue engineering and regeneration;
• advanced techniques for material processing.
1. Registration: 30.05.2022
2. Abstract submission: 05.06.2022
3. Acceptance Notification: 15.06.2022
4. Final Program announcement: 16.06.2022
5. Conference: 22-24.06.2022
Registration should be done using the link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=usiMLdqNNEOeXPrCCS6brBtVuzi8jCVEsa9NBmY34v1UNkVZV1dJNEw0RjIzVEFEUFNDWFUzVFgxRy4u
Registration is free for all students and postdoctoral researchers (or equivalent).
Abstract should be submitted in MS Word document, by email, to Eng. Cristina CHIRCOV (cristina.chircov@upb.ro) on or before 05.06.2022. The abstract should be 150 – 300 words and it must contain the title, authors, and their full affiliation.
Prof. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, UPB&AOSR (Romania)
Prof. Ioana DEMETRESCU, UPB&AOSR (Romania)
Prof. Anton FICAI, UPB&AOSR (Romania)
Prof. Maria GAVRILESCU, TU Iași&AOSR (Romania)
Dr. Oguzhan GUNDUZ, Marmara University (Turkey)
Dr. Viorel NACU, USMF (Moldova)
Prof. Domenico LOMBARDO, CNR-IPCF Messina (Italy)
Prof. Faik OKTAR, Marmara Univ (Turkey)
Dr. Jörg Opitz, IKTS (Germany)
Prof. Lenuta Profire, UMF Iasi (Romania)
Prof. Serguei SAVILOV, MSU (Russia)
Prof. Ze Xiang SHEN, NTU (Singapore)
Prof. Eduard COROPCEANU, UST (Moldova)
Prof. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU – President
Prof. Anton FICAI
Eng. Cristina CHIRCOV – Conference Secretary
Plenary Speakers
Aldo R. Boccaccini
Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini is the Head of the Institute of Biomaterials and Professor of Materials Science (Biomaterials) at University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He is a visiting professor at Imperial College London, UK.
Boccaccini has an engineering degree from Instituto Balseiro, Argentina (1987) and a Doctorate in Engineering Sciences (Dr.-Ing.) from RWTH Aachen University, Germany (1994). He had post-doctoral appointments at the School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK (1994-1996), and at the Institute for Mechanics and Materials, University of California, San Diego, USA (1996-1997). He completed the Habilitation in Materials Technology from Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany in 2001. From 2000 to 2009 he was Lecturer, Reader and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Department of Materials, Imperial College London, UK.
The research activities of Prof. Boccaccini are in the field of ceramics, glasses and composites for biomedical, functional and/or structural applications. He is the author or co-author of more than 980 scientific papers and 25 book chapters. He has co-edited 8 books. His work has been cited more than 52,000 times (h-index = 100, Scopus) and he was included in the “Highly Cited Researchers” lists in 2014 and 2018 (Clarivate). Boccaccini has been a visiting professor at different universities around the world and has given more than 100 presentations at international conferences (keynote, invited, plenary). Prof. Boccaccini serves the scientific community in several capacities. He is the elected vice-president of the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS). He is a member of Council of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) (since 2015), being currently the vice-president of ESB. Dr. Boccaccini is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Materials Letters” (since 2010). He is a Fellow of four major materials science/technology learning societies, namely: American Ceramic Society, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK), European Ceramic Society, and Society of Glass Technology (UK). Dr. Boccaccini has received multiple research awards and honors, including the Materials Prize of the German Materials Society (2015), the Turner Award of International Commission on Glass (2016) and Friedberg Lecture Award (2016) of American Ceramic Society. Boccaccini is also an elected member of the World Academy of Ceramics and of the National Academy of Engineering and Applied Sciences of Germany (acatech). He is an advisor to the Science and Technology Ministry of Argentina. He has served in several review panels of the European Research Council (ERC) and of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Advanced Composite Materials for low Temperature Thermochemical Energy Storage Applications
Luigi Calabrese
Department of Engineering of the University of Messina,
The growing energy demand coupled to the stringent requirement to discard the fossil fuels, oriented the energy consumption towards the renewable sources in several real contexts, from building to industrial applications. This addressed new research activities focused to the development of innovative materials for thermal energy storage (TES).
TES technologies are classified into three categories: sensible, latent and thermochemical. Thermochemical ones are a promising solution, able to reach high energy density and to store it indefinitely as long as the components that take part in the reaction remain separate. Among the low temperature thermochemical energy storage (TCS) technologies, the inorganic salt hydrates are widely investigated to overcome the mismatch between energy supply and demand caused by the diurnal nature of solar energy. However, some drawbacks of this class of materials, such as deliquescence, chemical instability, limited mass transfer and corrosion issues, have significantly hindered his extension in application fields. In such a context, new research frontiers oriented toward the development of innovative micro- and nano- structured composite sorbents for TCS applications are growing the interest in this research topic breaking new grounds for this field of research. The purpose of this paper is to give a short overview on the recent improvement on composite materials for low temperature TCS applications.
Prof. Luigi Calabrese (M). Luigi Calabrese was born in 1974. He graduated from Material Engineering in 1998 and obtained his Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry and Engineering at University of Messina, in 2002. Currently, he is Associate Professor in the field of Material Science and Technology at the Department of Engineering of the University of Messina and associate professor at the CNR-ITAE in Messina. His main research activities are focused on: – Synthesis and characterization of adsorbent materials for sustainable energy technologies; – Advanced composites and functional materials for industrial applications. Up to date, he has published over 170 articles in indexed international journals. 5 Chapters on scientific books. 1 Book on Springer Scientific series and 7 patents. His publications gained 2756 citations and are ranked with an h-index of 32.
Lipid bilayers in the bio-nano world: assets and dangers
Carlos M. Marques
Institut Charles Sadron, University of Strasbourg, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
e-mail: marques@unistra.fr
Carlos Marques, a CNRS senior scientist, founded the MCube group at the Charles Sadron Institute in Strasbourg, France, where he geared experimental and theoretical research towards the understanding of the physical properties of self-assembled lipid bilayers. Trained as a polymer theoretician, Carlos first got interested in membranes because they interact with polymers and published the first prediction for the membrane changes expected when polymers adsorb on lipid bilayers. His group grew to include experiments and numerical simulations, and Carlos has now published many papers based on research with giant unilamellar vesicles, including the first study of lipid oxidation in GUVs and the discovery of the so-called PVA method for vesicle growth. Carlos is presently starting a new group in Lyon where he will be expanding the scope of his research towards more complex lipid systems.
Carlos Twitter account:
Membranes in the biological realm self-assemble from phospholipids and other lipid-bilayer forming molecules. The resulting five nanometers thin (or thick?) structures are so resilient that they play a major role in the organization of life as compartmentalizing cell elements, as substrates for metabolic bio-chemistry and suspectedly for even more elaborate functions yet to be discovered. Self-assembled membranes make up also for a large tonnage of the detergent and cosmetic commodities, and play an increasing role in pharmaceutics.
Wherever lipid membranes are assembled, formulated and transported, they are exposed to interactions with an increasingly larger variety of nano-constituents of their bio or material environment. Understanding what opportunities and difficulties arise by the presence of biomembranes in a nanostructured world is therefore essential for unfolding therapeutical pathways, for increasing performance or simply to prevent health concerns.
In this talk I will illustrate efforts and strategies developed over the past years for valuing the assets of lipid self-assemblies in the bio-nano world and evaluating some of the dangers that membranes face when exposed to interactions with nanoobjects.

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- Sections: published in 15 topical sections.