
1. Biopolymer starch mediated synthetic route of multi-spheres and donut ZnO structures – Carp O., AlinaTirsoaga, Jurca B., Ene R., Somacescu S., Ianculescu A. – Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015 – link

2. 3D direct laser writing of Petabyte Optical Disk – Pavel, E., Jinga, S.I., Vasile, B.S., Dinescu, A., Trusca, R., Tosa, N. – Optics and Laser Technology, 2015 – link

3. Antimicrobial Chitosan based formulations with impact on different biomedical applications – Radulescu, M., Ficai, D., Oprea, O., Ficai, A., Andronescu, E., Holban, A.M. – Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2015 – link

4. Antimicrobial Strategies based on Natural Products: Recent Progress in Bio and Nanotechnology – Holban, A.M., Grumezescu, A.M. – Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2015 – link

5. Antitumoral materials with regenerative function obtained using a layer-by-layer technique – Ficai, D., Sonmez, M., Georgiana Albu, M., Mihaiescu, D.E., Ficai, A., Bleotu, C. – Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 2015 – link

6. Carvone functionalized iron oxide nanostructures thin films prepared by MAPLE for improved resistance to microbial colonization – Holban, A.M., Andronescu, E., Grumezescu, V., Oprea, A.E., Grumezescu, A.M., Socol, G., Chifiriuc, M.C., Lazar, V., Iordache, F. – Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2015 – link

7. Chitosan-vanillin composites with antimicrobial properties – Stroescu, M., Stoica-Guzun, A., Isopencu, G., Jinga, S.I., Parvulescu, O., Dobre, T., Vasilescu, M. – Food Hydrocolloids, 2015 – link

8. Chromium substituted copper ferrites via gluconate precursor route –  Mindru, I., Gingasu, D., Patron, L., Marinescu, G., Calderon-Moreno, J.M., Diamandescu, L., Preda, S., Oprea, O. – Ceramics International, 2015 – link

9. Dependence of some thermodynamic properties of oxide compounds on the basicity in the M2O – SiO2 (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) system – Radu, D., Dumitrescu, O. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2015 – link

10. Design and characterization of polypropylene matrix/glass fibers composite materials – Sönmez, M., Georgescu, M., Vâlsan, M., Radulescu, M., Ficai, D., Voicu, G., Ficai, A., Alexandrescu, L. – Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015 – link

11. Effect of composition and curing regime on some properties of geopolymers based on cathode ray tubes glass waste and fly ash – Bădănoiu, A., Iordache, E., Ionescu, R., Voicu, G., Matei, E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2015 – link

12. Fabrication and characterization of functionalized surfaces with 3-amino propyltrimethoxysilane films for anti-infective therapy applications – Grumezescu, V., Andronescu, E., Holban, A.M., Socol, G., Grumezescu, A.M., Ficai, A., Lazar, V., Chifiriuc, M.C., Trusca, R., Iordache, F. – Applied Surface Science, 2015 – link

13. Gamma-cyclodextrin/usnic acid thin film fabricated by MAPLE for improving the resistance of medical surfaces to Staphylococcus aureus colonization – Iordache, F., Grumezescu, V., Grumezescu, A.M., Curuţiu, C., Diţu, L.M., Socol, G., Ficai, A., Truşcə, R., Holban, A.M. – Applied Surface Science, 2015 – link

14. Influence of thermal treatment on mechanical and morphological characteristics of polyamide 11/cellulose nanofiber nanocomposites – Panaitescu, D.M., Gabor, R.A., Frone, A.N., Vasile, E. – Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015 – link

15. LaCoO3 synthesis by intensive mechanical activation – Velciu, G., Melinescu, A., Marinescu, V., Preda, M. – Ceramics International, 2015 – link

16. Laser oxidative pyrolysis synthesis and annealing of TiO2 nanoparticles embedded in carbon-silica shells/matrix – Fleaca, C.T., Scarisoreanu, M., Morjan, I., Luculescu, C., Niculescu, A.-M., Badoi, A., Vasile, E., Kovacs, G. – Applied Surface Science, 2015 – link

17. Magnetic microgels, a promising candidate for enhanced magnetic adsorbent particles in bioseparation: Synthesis, physicochemical characterization, and separation performance – Turcu, R., Socoliuc, V., Craciunescu, I., Petran, A., Paulus, A., Franzreb, M., Vasile, E., Vekas, L. – Soft Matter, 2015 – link

18. MAPLE fabricated magnetite@Melissa officinalis and poly lactic acid: chitosan coated surfaces with anti-staphylococcal properties – Grumezescu, A.M., Andronescu, E., Oprea, A.E., Holban, A.M., Socol, G., Grumezescu, V., Chifiriuc, M.C., Iordache, F., Maniu, H. – Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2015 – link

19. MAPLE fabrication of thin films based on kanamycin functionalized magnetite nanoparticles with anti-pathogenic properties – Grumezescu, V., Andronescu, E., Holban, A.M., Mogoantə, L., Mogoşanu, G.D., Grumezescu, A.M., Stənculescu, A., Socol, G., Iordache, F., Maniu, H., Chifiriuc, M.C. – Applied Surface Science, 2015 – link

20. Mechanical properties of structurally-defined magnetoactive polymer (co)networks – Mpekris, F., Achilleos, M., Vasile, E., Vasile, E., Krasia-Christoforou, T., Stylianopoulos, T. – RSC Advances, 2015 – link

21. Metallic tin-based nanoparticles synthesis by laser pyrolysis: Parametric studies focused on the decreasing of the crystallite size – Dutu, E., Dumitrache, F., Fleaca, C.T., Morjan, I., Gavrila-Florescu, L., Morjan, I.P., Sandu, I., Scarisoreanu, M., Luculescu, C., Niculescu, A.-M., Vasile, E. – Applied Surface Science, 2015 – link

22. Microbial colonization of biopolymeric thin films containing natural compounds and antibiotics fabricated by MAPLE – Cristescu, R., Surdu, A.V., Grumezescu, A.M., Oprea, A.E., Trusca, R., Vasile, O., Dorcioman, G., Visan, A., Socol, G., Mihailescu, I.N., Mihaiescu, D., Enculescu, M., Chifiriuc, M.C., Boehm, R.D., Narayan, R.J., Chrisey, D.B. – Applied Surface Science, 2015 – link

23. Nanostructured bioactive polymers used in food-packaging – Mateescu, A.L., Dimov, T.V., Grumezescu, A.M., Gestal, M.C., Chifiriuc, M.C. – Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2015 – link

24. New approach to prepare willow bark extract-lipid based nanosystems with enhanced antioxidant activity – Mitrea, E., Lacatusu, I., Badea, N., Ott, C., Oprea, O., Meghea, A. – Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015 – link

25. Novel bio-based IPNs obtained by simultaneous thermal polymerization of flexible methacrylate network based on a vegetable oil and a rigid epoxy – Balanuca, B., Lungu, A., Conicov, I., Stan, R., Vasile, E., Vuluga, D.M., Iovu, H. – Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2015 – link

26. Out of plane superferromagnetic behavior of quasi two-dimensional Fe/Al2O3 multilayer nanocomposites – Miu, D., Jinga, S.I., Vasile, B.S., Miu, L. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2015 – link

27. Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid/chitosan microsphere thin films functionalized with Cinnamomi aetheroleum and magnetite nanoparticles for preventing the microbial colonization of medical surfaces – Iordache, F., Oprea, A.E., Grumezescu, V., Andronescu, E., Socol, G., Grumezescu, A.M., Popa, M., Mogoşanu, G.D., Holban, A.M., Maniu, H. – Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2015 – link

28. Preparation and characterization of foamed geopolymers from waste glass and red mud – Badanoiu, A.I., Al Saadi, T.H.A., Stoleriu, S., Voicu, G. – Construction and Building Materials, 2015 – link

29. Prevention of microbial communities: Novel approaches based natural products – Mogoşanu, G.D., Grumezescu, A.M., Huang, K.-S., Bejenaru, L.E., Bejenaru, C. – Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2015 – link

30. Prosthetic devices with nanostructurated surfaces for increased resistance to microbial colonization – Holban, A.M., Iordanskii, A., Grumezescu, A.M., Bychkova, A., Andronescu, E., Mogoantă, L.I., Mogo Ș Anu, G.D., Iordache, F. – Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2015 – link

31. Sol-gel zirconia-based nanopowders with potential applications for sensors – Rəileanu, M., Todan, L., Voicescu, M., Drəgan, N., Crişan, D., Maganu, M., Vuluga, D.M., Ianculescu, A., Culiţə, D.C. – Ceramics International, 2015 – link

32. Structural and optical properties of fluorescent BaFBr-Eu2+@SiO2 core/shell phosphor heterostructure – Secu, M., Cernea, M., Secu, C.E., Vasile, B.S. – Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015 – link

33. Study of thermal decomposition of a zinc(II) monomethyl terephthalate complex, [Zn(CH3O–CO–C6H4COO)2(OH2)3]·2H2O – Şerb, M.-D., Müller, P., Truşcă, R., Oprea, O., Dumitru, F. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015 – link

34. Synthesis and optical properties of TiO2-based magnetic nanocomposites – Scarisoreanu, M., Morjan, I., Fleaca, C.-T., Morjan, I.P., Niculescu, A.-M., Dutu, E., Badoi, A., Birjega, R., Luculescu, C., Vasile, E., Danciu, V., Filoti, G. – Applied Surface Science, 2015 – link

35. Synthesis and properties of new materials produced by alkaline activation of glass cullet and red mud – Bədənoiu, A.I., Abood Al-Saadi, T.H., Voicu, G. – International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2015 – link

36. The Effect of Hydrophilic Bentonite Nanoclay on the Thermogelation Properties of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Triblock Copolymer Aqueous Solutions – Ioan, L., Teodorescu, M., Stənescu, P.O., Drəghici, C., Zaharia, A., Sârbu, A., Stoleriu, S. – Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics, 2015 –  link

2. A simple approach for the magnetic relaxation in systems of weakly-interacting, dispersive nanoparticles in applied magnetic field – Miu D., Sima C., Jinga S.I., Vasile B.S., Miu L. – Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2014 – link

3. About stability of electrodeposited fluoridated phosphate masses on CoCrMo alloys [Stabilitatea maselor fosfatice fluorurate pe aliaje de CoCrMo] – Romonti D.C., Voicu G., Ionita D., Demetrescu I. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2014 – link

4. Anionic polymers and 10 nm Fe3O4@UA wound dressings support human foetal stem cells normal development and exhibit great antimicrobial properties – Grumezescu A.M., Holban A.M., Andronescu E., Mogosanu G.D., Vasile B.S., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V., Andrei E., Constantinescu A., Maniu H. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014 – link

5. Antimicrobial nanospheres thin coatings prepared by advanced pulsed laser technique – Holban A.M., Grumezescu V., Grumezescu A.M., Vasile B.S., Trusca R., Cristescu R., Socol G., Iordache F. – Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2014 – link

6. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of green tea extract loaded into nanostructured lipid carriers – Manea A.-M., Vasile B.S., Meghea A. – Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2014 – link

7. Antiseptic composite material for biomedical applications [Materiale compozite antiseptice pentru aplicaţii biomedicale] – Ilie A., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C.D., Cucuruz A.T. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2014 – link

8. Bacterial cellulose-polyhydroxyalkanoates composites synthesis, physico-chemical characterization and biological evaluation for tissue engineering – Zaharia C., Vasile E., Galateanu B., Bunea M.-C., Casarica A., Stanescu P.O. – Materiale Plastice, 2014 – link

9. BiFeO3 doped-BNT-BT0.08 piezoelectric and magnetic nanowires, derived from sol-gel precursor – Cernea M., Trupina L., Vasile B.S., Bartha C., Radu R., Chirila C., Teodorescu A. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2014 – link

10. Biocompatible Fe3O4 increases the efficacy of amoxicillin delivery against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria – Grumezescu A.M., Gesta M.C., Holban A.M., Grumezescu V., Vasile B.S., Mogoanta L., Iordache F., Bleotu C., Dan Mogosanu G. – Molecules, 2014 – link

11. Bioevaluation of novel anti-biofilm coatings based on PVP/Fe 3O4 nanostructures and 2-((4-Ethylphenoxy)methyl)-N- (arylcarbamothioyl)benzamides – Limban C., Missir A.V., Grumezescu A.M., Oprea A.E., Grumezescu V., Vasile B.S., Socol G., Trusca R., Caproiu M.T., Chifiriuc M.C., Galateanu B., Costache M., Morusciag L., Pircalabioru G., Nuta D.C. – Molecules, 2014 – link

12. Biomedical applications of natural polymers for drug delivery – Chifiriuc M.C., Grumezescu A.M., Grumezescu V., Bezirtzoglou E., Lazar V., Bolocan A. – Current Organic Chemistry, 2014 – link

13. Biomimetic apatite deposition within casein-loaded hydrogel scaffolds – Serafim A., Vasile E., Cristescu I., Istodorescu M., Stancu I.C. – Key Engineering Materials, 2014 – link

14. Carboxymethyl-cellulose/Fe3O4 nanostructures for antimicrobial substances delivery – Vlad M., Andronescu E., Grumezescu A.M., Ficai A., Voicu G., Bleotu C., Chifiriuc M.C. – Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014 – link

15. Chitosan and chitosan modified with glutaraldehyde microparticles for Pb(II) biosorption: I. Microparticles preparation and characterization – Simonescu C.M., Marin I., Tardei C., Marinescu V., Oprea O., Capatina C. – Revista de Chimie, 2014 – link

16. Comparison between the microstructure of the mineral phase in two types of composite beads for bone regeneration – Petre D.G., Serafim A., Lungu A., Vasile E., Cristescu I., Istodorescu M. – Key Engineering Materials, 2014 – link

17. Composite films of poly(vinyl alcohol)-chitosan-bacterial cellulose for drug controlled release – Pavaloiu R.-D., Stoica-Guzun A., Stroescu M., Jinga S.I., Dobre T. – International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2014 – link

18. Core-shell structure microcapsules with dual pH-responsive drug release function – Yang C.-H., Wang C.-Y., Grumezescu A.M., Wang A.H.-J., Hsiao C.-J., Chen Z.-Y., Huang K.-S. – Electrophoresis, 2014 – link

19. Cytotoxic effects of Zno nanoparticles incorporated in mesoporous silica – Vaja F., Guran C., Ficai D., Ficai A., Oprea O. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2014 – link

20. Design of soft lipid nanocarriers based on bioactive vegetable oils with multiple health benefits – Lacatusu I., Niculae G., Badea N., Stan R., Popa O., Oprea O., Meghea A. – Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014 – link

21. Direct synthesis and morphological characterization of gold-dendrimer nanocomposites prepared using PAMAM succinamic acid dendrimers: Preliminary study of the calcification potential – Vasile E., Serafim A., Petre D., Giol D., Dubruel P., Iovu H., Stancu I.C. – The Scientific World Journal, 2014 – link

22. Drug delivery systems based on poly(vinyl alcohol)-layered silicates hybrid films – Garea S.A., Ghebaur A., Vasile E. – Materiale Plastice, 2014 – link

23. Effect of nanostructure on the thermal conductivity of La-doped SrTiO3 ceramics – Buscaglia M.T., Maglia F., Anselmi-Tamburini U., Marre D., Pallecchi I., Ianculescu A., Canu G., Viviani M., Fabrizio M., Buscaglia V. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2014 – link

24. Electroluminescence of carbon ‘quantum’ dots – From materials to devices – Veca L.M., Diac A., Mihalache I., Wang P., Lecroy G.E., Pavelescu E.M., Gavrila R., Vasile E., Terec A., Sun Y.-P. – Chemical Physics Letters, 2014 – link

25. Enhancing the visible light absorption of titania nanoparticles by S and C doping in a single-step process – Scarisoreanu M., Morjan I., Alexandrescu R., Fleaca C.T., Badoi A., Dutu E., Niculescu A.-M., Luculescu C., Vasile E., Wang J., Bouhadoun S., Herlin-Boime N. – Applied Surface Science, 2014 – link

26. Experiments to obtain glass-ceramics from glass waste resulted from cathode ray tubes – CRT [Experimentǎri pentru realizarea unor vitroceramici din deşeuri de sticlǎ de la tuburi catodice – CRT] – Eftimie M., Tacu I. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2014 – link

27. Fabrication and characterization of superparamagnetic poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)/poly(L-lactide)/Fe3O4 electrospun membranes – Savva I., Constantinou D., Marinica O., Vasile E., Vekas L., Krasia-Christoforou T. – Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2014 – link

28. Fabrication, characterization, toxicity and biocompatibility evaluation of iron oxide nanoparticles – Popa C.L., Andronescu E., Stoicea M., Le Coustumer P., Galaup S., Beuran M., Iordache F.M., Telcian A., Bleotu C., Prodan A.M. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2014 – link

29. Fcontroled release study of Aztreonam from MCM-41 mesoporous material – Mihaiescu D.E., Tamas D., Andronescu E., Ficai A. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2014 – link

30. Functionalization of glass fibers for obtaining polypropylene based composite materials [Funcţionalizarea fibrelor de Sticlǎ pentru obţinerea de compozite pe bazǎ de Polipropilenǎ] – Sonmez M., Ficai D., Ficai A., Alexandrescu L., Voicu G., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2014 – link

31. Functionalized antibiofilm thin coatings based on PLA-PVA microspheres loaded with usnic acid natural compounds fabricated by MAPLE – Grumezescu V., Socol G., Grumezescu A.M., Holban A.M., Ficai A., Trusca R., Bleotu C., Balaure P.C., Cristescu R., Chifiriuc M.C. – Applied Surface Science, 2014 – link

32. Grain size effect on photocatalytic properties of nanocrystalline ZnO – Vasile O.-R., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C., Vasile B.S., Vasile E. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2014 – link

33. Hybrid materials based on dendritic polymer and halloysite – Garea S.A., Ghebaur A., Vasile E. – Materiale Plastice, 2014 – link

34. Hybrid nanocomposites based on POSS and networks of methacrylated camelina oil and various PEG derivatives – Balanuca B., Lungu A., Hanganu A.-M., Stan L.R., Vasile E., Iovu H. – European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2014 – link

35. Improved activity of aminoglycosides entrapped in silica networks against microbial strains isolated from otolaryngological infections – Anghel I., Grumezescu A.M., Holban A.M., Gheorghe I., Vlad M., Anghel G.A., Balaure P.C., Chifiriuc C.M., Ciuca I.M. – Farmacia, 2014 – link

36. Improved wound dressing: Novel approaches – Grumezescu A.M. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014 – link

37. Influence of sulfate and nitrate uptake from aqueous solutions on surface exchange in Purolite A-520E resin – Stefan D.-S., Frederick Van Staden J., Vasile E., Vasile O.-R., Dancila M. – Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2014 – link

38. Influence of the synthesis parameters on the thermal behavior of some ZnO-starch composites – Jurca B., Tirsoaga A., Ianculescu A., Carp O. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014 – link

39. Investigation of nanocrystalline zinc chromite obtained by two soft chemical routes – Gingasu D., Mindru I., Culita D.C., Patron L., Calderon-Moreno J.M., Preda S., Oprea O., Osiceanu P., Morena Pineda E. – Materials Research Bulletin, 2014 – link

40. Investigation on the electrodeposition of Pt-(Bi,Sb)2Te 3 nanocomposite as film and wires – Sima M., Vasile E., Buda M., Sima M. – Electrochimica Acta, 2014 – link

41. Iron oxide nanoparticles modulate the interaction of different antibiotics with cellular membranes – Istrate C.M., Holban A.M., Grumezescu A.M., Mogoanta L., Mogosanu G.D., Savopol T., Moisescu M., Iordache M., Vasile B.S., Kovacs E. – Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, 2014 – link

42. Keratin-based biomaterials for biomedical applications – Mogosanu G.D., Grumezescu A.M., Chifiriuc M.C. – Current Drug Targets, 2014 – link

43. Magnetite nanostructures as novel strategies for anti-infectious therapy – Liakos I., Grumezescu A.M., Holban A.M. – Molecules, 2014 – link

44. Magnetite nanostructures functionalized with cytostatic drugs exhibit great anti-tumoral properties without application of high amplitude alternating magnetic fields – Voicu G., Crica L.E., Fufa O., Moraru L.I., Popescu R.C., Purcel G., Stoilescu M.C., Grumezescu A.M., Bleotu C., Holban A.M., Andronescu E. – Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, 2014 – link

45. MAPLE fabricated Fe3O4@Cinnamomum verum antimicrobial surfaces for improved gastrostomy tubes – Anghel A.G., Grumezescu A.M., Chirea M., Grumezescu V., Socol G., Iordache F., Oprea A.E., Anghel I., Holban A.M. – Molecules, 2014 – link

46. MAPLE fabricated magnetite@eugenol and (3-hidroxybutyric acid-co-3-hidroxyvaleric acid)-polyvinyl alcohol microspheres coated surfaces with anti-microbial properties – Grumezescu V., Holban A.M., Iordache F., Socol G., Mogosanu G.D., Grumezescu A.M., Ficai A., Vasile B.S., Trusca R., Chifiriuc M.C., Maniu H. – Applied Surface Science, 2014 – link

47. Methylene blue based antiseptic chitosan/hydroxyapatite composite materials – Hup L., Nedelcu I.-A., Ungureanu C., Sonmez M., Andronescu E. – Revista de Chimie, 2014 – link

48. Montmorillonite-alginate nanocomposite as a drug delivery system – Incorporation and in vitro release of irinotecan – Iliescu R.I., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C.D., Voicu G., Ficai A., Hoteteu M. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014 – link

49. Morphology, chemical state of nanometric-sized Pt-Cu and Pt-Ag particles, and their photocatalytic activity for mineralization of methanol – Papa F., Miyazaki A., Scurtu M., Ianculescu A.C., Balint I. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2014 – link

50. Multifunctional materials for bone cancer treatment – Marques C., Ferreira J.M.F., Andronescu E., Ficai D., Sonmez M., Ficai A. – International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2014 – link

51. Nafion based nanocomposite membranes with improved electric and protonic conduction – Boldeiu A., Vasile E., Gavrila R., Simion M., Radoi A., Matei A., Mihalache I., Pascu R., Kusko M. – Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014 – link

52. Natural and synthetic polymers for wounds and burns dressing – Mogosanu G.D., Grumezescu A.M. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014 – link

53. New silica nanostructure for the improved delivery of topical antibiotics used in the treatment of staphylococcal cutaneous infections – Grumezescu A.M., Ghitulica C.D., Voicu G., Huang K.-S., Yang C.-H., Ficai A., Vasile B.S., Grumezescu V., Bleotu C., Chifiriuc M.C. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014 – link

54. Novel drug delivery magnetite nano-systems used in antimicrobial therapy – Holban A.M., Grumezescu A.M., Gestal M.C., Mogoanta L., Mogosanu G.D. – Current Organic Chemistry, 2014 – link

55. Novel magnetoelectric ceramic composites by control of the interface reactions in Fe2O3@BaTiO3 core-shell structures – Curecheriu L., Postolache P., Buscaglia M.T., Buscaglia V., Ianculescu A., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2014 – link

56. Novel poly(ethylene glycol) composite hydrogels with hydrophilic bentonite nanoclay as the filler – David A., Teodorescu M., Stanescu P.O., Stoleriu S. – Materiale Plastice, 2014 – link

57. Novel strategies to eradicate bacterial communities based on nano and biomaterials – Grumezescu A.M. – Current Organic Chemistry, 2014 – link

58. Plackett-Burman experimental design for bacterial cellulose-silica composites synthesis – Guzun A.S., Stroescu M., Jinga S.I., Voicu G., Grumezescu A.M., Holban A.M. – Materials Science and Engineering C, 2014 – link

59. Preparation and characterization of LixZn2-xV xSi1-xO4 ceramics – Busuioc C., Jinga S.I. – Ceramics International, 2014 – link

60. Pt nanoparticles on graphene – Polyelectrolyte nanocomposite: Investigation of H2O2 and methanol electrocatalysis – Bragaru A., Vasile E., Obreja C., Kusko M., Danila M., Radoi A. – Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014 – link

61. PVP-crosslinked electrospun membranes with embedded Pd and Cu2O nanoparticles as effective heterogeneous catalytic supports – Savva I., Kalogirou A.S., Chatzinicolaou A., Papaphilippou P., Pantelidou A., Vasile E., Vasile E., Koutentis P.A., Krasia-Christoforou T. – RSC Advances, 2014 – link

62. Quantum optical lithography from 1 nm resolution to pattern transfer on silicon wafer – Pavel E., Jinga S.I., Vasile B.S., Dinescu A., Marinescu V., Trusca R., Tosa N. – Optics and Laser Technology, 2014 – link

63. Quorum sensing inhibitors from the sea: Lessons from marine symbiotic relationships – Chifiriuc M.C., Grumezescu A.M., Lazar V. – Current Organic Chemistry, 2014 – link

64. Research on the sound-absorbing properties of new composite materials with some wastes [Cercetǎri privind proprietǎţile fonoabsorbante ale unor noi materiale compozite cu deşeuri] – Bratu M., Dumitrescu O., Vasile O., Constantin A.C., Muntean M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2014 – link

65. Rice bran and raspberry seed oil-based nanocarriers with self-antioxidative properties as safe photoprotective formulations – Niculae G., Lacatusu I., Badea N., Stan R., Vasile B.S., Meghea A. – Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2014 – link

66. Silica network improve the effect of fludarabine and paclitaxel on HCT8 cell line – Voicu G., Adrian G.A., Badea M., Bordei E., Crantea G., Raluca I.G., Grecu A., Ana-Maria Jercan D., Bogdan C.N., Greta C.V., Tchinda K., Alina M.H., Bleotu C., Alexandru M.G. – Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, 2014 – link

67. Silicon carbide multilayer protective coating on carbon obtained by thermionic vacuum arc method – Ciupina V., Lungu C.P., Vladoiu R., Prodan G., Porosnicu C., Belc M., Stanescu I.M., Vasile E., Rughinis R. – Journal of Nanophotonics, 2014 – link

68. Silver based materials for biomedical applications – Nedelcu I.-A., Ficai A., Sonmez M., Ficai D., Oprea O., Andronescu E. – Current Organic Chemistry, 2014 – link

69. Structural and morphological studies of Nd-doped phosphate thin films deposited by PLD on silicon wafers – Iordanescu C.R., Feraru I.D., Elisa M., Vasiliu I.C., Volceanov A., Stoleriu S., Filipescu M. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2014 – link

70. Studies on building ceramics manufacturing by incorporating dried sludge – Szoke A.-M., Muntean M., Dumitrescu O., Meszaros S. – Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2014 – link

71. Synthesis and characterization of a Fe3+ doped SnO2 nanopowder – Ungureanu A.-M., Oprea O., Juaru I. – Revista de Chimie, 2014 – link

72. Synthesis and characterization of a new composite material based on poly(methyl methacrylate) and silica for dental applications [Sinteza si caracterizarea unui nou material compozit pe bazǎ de poli(metil metacrilat) şi silice pentru aplicaţii dentare] – Cucuruz A.T., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C.D., Ilie A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2014 – link

73. Synthesis and characterization of a novel controlled release zinc oxide/gentamicin-chitosan composite with potential applications in wounds care – Vasile B.S., Oprea O., Voicu G., Ficai A., Andronescu E., Teodorescu A., Holban A. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014 – link

74. Synthesis and characterization of polybenzoxazine/layered double hydroxides nanocomposites – Andronescu C., Garea S.A., Vasile E., Iovu H. – Composites Science and Technology, 2014 – link

75. Synthesis and characterization of porous clay heterostructures – Garea S.A., Mihai A.I., Vasile E., Voicu G. – Revista de Chimie, 2014 – link

76. Synthesis and characterization of solid electrolytes based on CeO2 for intermediate temperature fuel cells [Sinteza şi caracterizarea unor electroliţi solizi pe bazǎ de CeO2 pentru celule de combustie de temperaturǎ intermediarǎ] – Velciu G., Melinescu A., Marinescu V., Fruth V., Scurtu R., Preda M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2014 – link

77. Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanostructures obtained in mixtures of ionic liquids with organic solvents – Oprea O., Ciocirlan O., Badanoiu A., Vasile E. – Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2014 – link

78. Synthesis and crystal structure of [La(NO3)3(H 2O)2(BiPy)]·1.5(BiPy) – Alexandrescu L., Bourosh P., Oprea O., Jitaru I. – Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2014 – link

79. Synthesis of CeO2 nanoparticles on the mesoporous silica support via nanocasting – Vaja Dumitru F., Oprea O., Ficai D., Ficai A., Guran C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2014 – link

80. Synthesis of poly (vinylpyrrolidone) protected Pd-Ag bimetallic nanoparticles by polyol method – Matei C., Berger D., Vasile B.S. – Materiale Plastice, 2014 – link

81. Synthesis of uniform core-shell gelatin-alginate microparticles as intestine-released oral delivery drug carrier – Huang K.-S., Yang C.-H., Kung C.-P., Grumezescu A.M., Ker M.-D., Lin Y.-S., Wang C.-Y. – Electrophoresis, 2014 – link

82. Synthesis of uniform poly(d,l-lactide) and poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres using a microfluidic chip for comparison – Yang C.-H., Huang K.-S., Grumezescu A.M., Wang C.-Y., Tzeng S.-C., Chen S.-Y., Lin Y.-H., Lin Y.-S. – Electrophoresis, 2014 – link

83. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of lanthanide(iii) complexes with meloxicam – Marinescu G., Culita D.C., Patron L., Nita S., Marutesciu L., Stanica N., Oprea O. – Revista de Chimie, 2014 – link

84. Synthesis, characterization and bio-evaluation of bioactive composites scaffolds based on collagen and glass ceramic – Voicu G., Jinga S.I., Trusca R., Iordache F. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2014 – link

85. Synthesis, crystal structure and thermal decomposition kinetics of yttrium propionate – Nasui M., Petrisor Jr. T., Mos R.B., Mesaros A., Varga R.A., Vasile B.S., Ristoiu T., Ciontea L., Petrisor T. – Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2014 – link

86. Synthesis, structural and morphological characteristics, magnetic and optical properties of Co doped ZnO nanoparticles – Mesaros A., Ghitulica C.D., Popa M., Mereu R., Popa A., Petrisor Jr. T., Gabor M., Cadis A.I., Vasile B.S. – Ceramics International, 2014 – link

87. Synthesis, structural characterization and dielectric properties of Nb doped BaTiO3/SiO2 core-shell heterostructure – Cernea M., Vasile B.S., Boni A., Iuga A. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014 – link

88. Temperature effect over structure and photochemical properties of nanostructured SnO2 powders – Ungureanu A.-M., Oprea O., Vasile B.S., Andronescu C., Voicu G., Jitaru I. – Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2014 – link

89. The assessment of efficiency of thermo-mechanical treatment applied on recycled concrete aggregate [Evaluarea eficienţei tratamentului termomecanic aplicat pentru îmbunătăţirea calităţii agregatelor reciclate din beton] – Voinitchi R.C., Craciun V., Voinitchi C.D., Badanoiu A., Voicu G. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2014 – link

90. The effect of Co dopant on TiO2 structure of sol-gel nanopowders used as photocatalysts – Dragan N., Crisan M., Raileanu M., Crisan D., Ianculescu A., Oancea P., Somacescu S., Todan L., Stanica N., Vasile B. – Ceramics International, 2014 – link

91. The emergence of magnetic properties in (Pb0.845Sm 0.08Fe0.035)(Ti0.98Mn0.02)O 3 and (Pb0.88Nd0.08)(Ti0.98Mn 0.02)O3 perovskite ceramics – Craciun F., Dimitriu E., Grigoras M., Lupu N., Vasile B.S., Cernea M. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2014 – link

92. The establishment of growing conditions of Lif single crystals for YAG: Nd laser Q-switch [Stabilirea condiţiilor de creştere a monocristalelor de Lif pentru comutatoarele Q ale laserilor YAG: Nd] – Jinga S.I. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2014 – link

93. Toward structurally defined carbon dots as ultracompact fluorescent probes – Lecroy G.E., Sonkar S.K., Yang F., Veca L.M., Wang P., Tackett K.N., Yu J.-J., Vasile E., Qian H., Liu Y., Luo P., Sun Y.-P. – ACS Nano, 2014 – link

94. Usnic acid-loaded biocompatible magnetic PLGA-PVA microsphere thin films fabricated by MAPLE with increased resistance to staphylococcal colonization – Grumezescu V., Holban A.M., Grumezescu A.M., Socol G., Ficai A., Vasile B.S., Trusca R., Bleotu C., Lazar V., Chifiriuc C.M., Mogosanu G.D. – Biofabrication, 2014 – link

95. ZnO applications and challenges – Oprea O., Andronescu E., Ficai D., Ficai A., Oktar F.N., Yetmez M. – Current Organic Chemistry, 2014 – link

227. A new route for synthesis and characterization of macroporous granular silver – Stroia A., Matei C., Vasile B.S., Oprea O., Covaliu C., Jitaru I. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

228. A study of ternary intermetallic borides in the RE-TM-B ternary systems (RE = La, Gd, Y; TM = Ni, Co, Fe) [Studiul Compuşilor Intermetalici Ternari pe Bazǎ de Bor În Sistemele Ternare TR-MT-B (TR =La, Gd, Y; MT= Ni, Co, Fe)] – Pall L., Bobet J.-L., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

229. Advanced functionalization of organoclay nanoparticles by silylation and their polystyrene nanocomposites obtained by miniemulsion polymerization – Ianchis R., Corobea M.C., Donescu D., Rosca I.D., Cinteza L.O., Nistor L.C., Vasile E., Marin A., Preda S. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012 – link

230. Analysis of the structure and morphology of hydroxyapatite nanopowder obtained by sol-gel and pirosol methods – Rogojan R., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C., Birsan M., Voicu G., Stoleriu S., Melinescu A., Ianculescu A. – Advanced Materials Research, 2012 – link

231. Antibiotic potentiator effect of the natural and synthetic zeolites with well defined nanopores with possible ent clinical applications – Anghel I., Grumezescu A.M., Anghel A.G., Chireac I., Marutescu L., Mihaiescu D.E., Chifiriuc M.C. – Farmacia, 2012 – link

232. Antimicrobial performances of some film forming materials based on silver nanoparticles – Pica A., Guran C., Andronescu E., Oprea O., Ficai D., Ficai A. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

233. Apatite formation on active nanostructured coating based on functionalized gold nanoparticles – Vasile E., Serafim A., Dragusin D.-M., Petrea C., Iovu H., Stancu I.-C. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012 – link

234. Ba(Zn 1/3Ta 2/3)O 3 perovskite ceramics doped with Nb 5+, Ce 4+ or Yb[p 3+ – Busuioc C., Jinga S.I., Stoleriu S., Nedelcu L., Andronescu E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

235. Barium magnesium tantalate thin films obtained by sol-gel processing [Filme subţiri pe bazǎ de tantalat de bariu şi magneziu obţinute prin procesare sol-gel] – Busuioc C., Jinga S.I., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

236. Binding properties and biocompatibility of accelerated Portland cement for endodontic use – Voicu G., Badanoiu A.I., Andronescu E., Bleotu C. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

237. Binuclear oxomolybdenum (v) complex compounds with pyridazone derivatives – Oprea O., Chivu H., Ficai D., Curan C. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

238. Bioassay and electrochemical evaluation of controlled release behavior of cephalosporins from magnetic nanoparticles – Mihaiescu D.E., Grumezescu A.M., Buteica A.S., Mogosanu D.E., Balaure P.C., Mihaiescu O.M., Traistaru V., Vasile B.S. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

239. Biocompatible magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles doped dextran thin films produced by spin coating deposition solution – Iconaru S.L., Andronescu E., Ciobanu C.S., Prodan A.M., le Coustumer P., Predoi D. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

240. Biocompatible magnetic MWCNTs based on phytocomponents from eugenia carryophyllata – Saviuc C., Grumezescu A.M., Banu O., Chifiriuc C., Mihaiescu D., Balaure P., Lazar V. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

241. Biodegradation Behavior of Composite Films with Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Matrix – Kibedi-Szabo C.Z., Stroescu M., Stoica-Guzun A., Jinga S.I., Szilveszter S., Jipa I., Dobre T. – Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2012 – link

242. Bionic features of thin biomaterial layers deposited by PLD onto titanium implants – Maris D.A., Maris M., Vasile E., Sarbu R., Maris M., Duta L., Dorcioman G., Mihailescu I.N. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

243. Changing bioperformance of TiO 2 amorphous nanotubes as an effect of inducing crystallinity – Mazare A., Dilea M., Ionita D., Titorencu I., Trusca V., Vasile E. – Bioelectrochemistry, 2012 – link

244. Colloidal silica use as dyes removing system – Scurtu M., Andronescu E., Guran C., Sonmez M., Grumezescu A., Ficai U.A., Ficai D. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

245. Cordierite-mullite porcelain stoneware [Gresie porţelanatǎ cordierit-muliticǎ] – Melinescu A., Preda M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

246. Covalent and non-covalent functionalized MWCNTs for improved thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy composites – Damian C.M., Garea S.A., Vasile E., Iovu H. – Composites Part B: Engineering, 2012 – link

247. Development of systems for the laser synthesis of nanoparticles starting from liquid precursors – Popovici E., Luculescu C., Alexandrescu R., Fleaca C., Dumitrache F., Barjega R., Scarisoreanu M., Dutu E., Barbut A., Morjan I., Vasile E. – Applied Surface Science, 2012 – link

248. Dielectric and piezoelectric behaviors of NBT-BT0.05 processed by sol-gel method – Cernea M., Vasile B.S., Capiani C., Ioncea A., Galassi C. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2012 – link

249. Drug delivery systems based on silica with prolonged delivery of folic acid [Sisteme cu eliberare controlatǎ pe bazǎ de silice cu eliberare prelungitǎ de acid folic] – Florea M.G., Ficai A., Oprea O., Guran C., Ficai D., Pall L., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

250. Effect of gamma irradiation on biopolymer composite films of poly(vinyl alcohol) and bacterial cellulose – Jipa I.M., Stroescu M., Stoica-Guzun A., Dobre T., Jinga S., Zaharescu T. – Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2012 – link

251. Effect of reactive grinding with MgO on the properties of magnesium [Influence du broyage réactif avec MgO sur les proprié tés du magnésium] – Pall L., Bobet J.-L., Andronescu E. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

252. Effects of ZnO nanoparticles on the wet scrub resistance and photocatalytic properties of acrylic coatings – Dumitru F.V., Comanescu C., Oprea O., Ficai D., Guran C. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

253. Fabrication of iron oxide nanospheres using pyrosol technique – Andronescu E., Grumezescu A., Ficai A., Vasile B.S., Grumezescu V., Vasile E., Ficai D. – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, ICAMS 2012, 2012 – link

254. Gelatin hydrogels: Effect of ethylene oxide based synthetic crosslinking agents on the physico-chemical properties – Serafim A., Dragusin D.M., Zecheru T., Dubruel P., Petre D., Ciocan L.T., Vasile E., Stancu I.C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

255. Grain size-dependent properties of dense nanocrystalline barium titanate ceramics – Curecheriu L., Balmus S.-B., Buscaglia M.T., Buscaglia V., Ianculescu A., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2012 – link

256. Hardening processes and hydrates in alkali-activated slag and geopolymer with Pb content [Procese de Întǎrire Şi Produşi de Reacţie În Sisteme Liante de Tip Zgurǎ Activatǎ Alcalin Şi Geopolimer, Cu Conţinut DE Pb] – Moncea A.M., Georgescu M., Melinescu A., Stoleriu S., Moncea A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

257. High-field dielectric properties and Raman spectroscopic investigation of the ferroelectric-to-relaxor crossover in BaSn xTi 1-xO 3 ceramics – Deluca M., Stoleriu L., Curecheriu L.P., Horchidan N., Ianculescu A.C., Galassi C., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2012 – link

258. Highly antioxidant carotene-lipid nanocarriers: Synthesis and antibacterial activity – Lacatusu I., Badea N., Ovidiu O., Bojin D., Meghea A. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012 – link

259. Hybrid magnetite nanoparticles/rosmarinus officinalis essential oil nanobiosystem with antibiofilm activity – Chifiriuc C., Grumezescu V., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Lazar V., Andronescu E. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012 – link

260. Hybrid nanomaterial for stabilizing the antibiofilm activity of eugenia carryophyllata essential oil – Grumezescu A.M., Chifiriuc M.C., Saviuc C., Grumezescu V., Hristu R., Mihaiescu D.E., Stanciu G.A., Andronescu E. – IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2012 – link

261. Hydrothermal synthesis of SrTiO 3 mesocrystals: Single crystal to mesocrystal transformation induced by topochemical reactions – Kalyani V., Vasile B.S., Ianculescu A., Buscaglia M.T., Buscaglia V., Nanni P. – Crystal Growth and Design, 2012 – link

262. Immobilization of waste glass with high lead content in different binding matrices. influnce on the mechanical strength [Imobilizarea unui deşeu de sticlǎ cu conţinut mare de plumb în diferite matrici liante. influenţe asupra dezvoltǎrii rezistenţelor mecanice] – Moncea A.M., Georgescu M., Badanoiu A., Matei E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

263. Improved antibacterial activity of cephalosporins loaded in magnetic chitosan microspheres – Chifiriuc C.M., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Croitoru C., Mihaiescu D.E., Lazar V. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2012 – link

264. In vitro evaluation of anti-pathogenic surface coating nanofluid, obtained by combining Fe3O4/ C12 nanostructures and 2-((4-ethylphenoxy) methyl)-N-(substituted-phenylcarbamothioyl)- benzamides – Anghel I., Limban C., Grumezescu A.M., Anghel A.G., Bleotu C., Chifiriuc M.C. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012 – link

265. In vitro evaluation of bactericidal and antibiofilm activity of lonicera tatarica and viburnum opulus plant extracts on staphylococcus strains – Bubulica M.V., Anghel I., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Anghel G.A., Chifiriuc M.C., Gheorghe I., Lazar V., Popescu A. – Farmacia, 2012 – link

266. Influence of a TiO 2 buffer layer on the magnetic properties of anatase Co:TiO 2 thin films – Gabor M.S., Petrisor Jr. T., Tiusan C., Hehn M., Vasile B.S., Petrisor T. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2012 – link

267. Influence of hybrid inorganic/organic mesoporous and nanostructured materials on the cephalosporins’ efficacy on different bacterial strains – Carmen Chifiriuc M., Mihaiescu D., Ilinca E., Marutescu L., Mihaescu G., Mihai Grumezescu A. – IET Nanobiotechnology, 2012 – link

268. Influence of precipitation conditions on the crystallisation and morphology of europium-doped lanthanum orthophosphate [Influenţa condiţiilor de precipitare asupra cristalizǎrii şi morfologiei ortofosfatului de lantan dopat cu europiu] – Carabat A.L., Berger D., Georgescu S., Nastase S., Stoleriu S., Matei C. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

269. Influence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and cetyl trimethylammonium bromide upon calcium carbonate precipitation on bacterial cellulose – Stroescu M., Stoica-Guzun A., Jinga S.I., Dobre T., Jipa I.M., Dobre L.M. – Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012 – link

270. Investigation of the composition-dependent properties of BaTi 1-xZr xO 3 ceramics prepared by the modified Pechini method – Deluca M., Vasilescu C.A., Ianculescu A.C., Berger D.C., Ciomaga C.E., Curecheriu L.P., Stoleriu L., Gajovic A., Mitoseriu L., Galassi C. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2012 – link

271. Investigation of thermal behaviour of hybrid nanostructures based on Fe 2O 3 and PAMAM dendrimers – Popescu L.M., Piticescu R.M., Stoiciu M., Vasile E., Trusca R. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2012 – link

272. Laser processing issues of nanosized intermetallic Fe-Sn and metallic Sn particles – Alexandrescu R., Morjan I., Dumitrache F., Birjega R., Fleaca C., Morjan I., Scarisoreanu M., Luculescu C.R., Dutu E., Kuncser V., Filoti G., Vasile E., Ciupina V. – Applied Surface Science, 2012 –     link

273. Layered shaped alginate hydrogels for soft tissue engineering based on chemical control of the crosslinking rate – Dimonie D., Gabor R., Mitran V., Vasile E., Trusca R., Petrache M., Doncea S., Fierascu R.C., Fierascu I., Nicolae C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

274. Layer-shaped alginate hydrogels enhance the biological performance of human adipose-derived stem cells – Galateanu B., Dimonie D., Vasile E., Nae S., Cimpean A., Costache M. – BMC Biotechnology, 2012 – link

275. Lipase immobilisation on new silica-based supports – Comanescu C., Ficai D., Ficai A., Oprea O., Lacatusu I., Guran C. – Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2012 – link

276. Magnetic core/shell nanoparticle thin films deposited by MAPLE: Investigation by chemical, morphological and in vitro biological assays – Cristescu R., Popescu C., Socol G., Iordache I., Mihailescu I.N., Mihaiescu D.E., Grumezescu A.M., Balan A., Stamatin I., Chifiriuc C., Bleotu C., Saviuc C., Popa M., Chrisey D.B. – Applied Surface Science, 2012 – link

277. Magnetite nanoparticles for functionalized textile dressing to prevent fungal biofilms development – Anghel I., Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Anghel A.G., Ficai A., Saviuc C., Grumezescu V., Vasile B.S., Chifiriuc M.C. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012 – link

278. Microwave dielectric properties of Ba(Zn 1/3Ta 2/3)O 3 ceramics doped with Nb 2O 5, MnO 2 or V 2O 3 – Jinga S.I., Stoleriu S., Busuioc C. – Materials Research Bulletin, 2012 – link

279. Mimicking the morphology of long bone – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Ficai D., Sonmez M., Albu M.G., Voicu G. – Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2012 – link

280. Modified Pechini synthesis of tricalcium aluminate powder – Voicu G., Ghitulica C.D., Andronescu E. – Materials Characterization, 2012 – link

281. Modified wound dressing with phytonanostructured coating to prevent staphylococcal and pseudomonal biofilm development – Anghel I., Holban A.M., Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Ficai A., Anghel A.G., Maganu M., Lazar V., Chifiriuc M.C. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012 – link

282. Modulation of ionotropic alginate hydrogel microarchitecture by controlling the crosslinker ions migration – Dimonie D., Petrache M., Trusca R., Vasile E., Costache M., Fierascu R.C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

283. Nanocomposites based on a new polybenzoxazine resin and MMT – Andronescu C., Garea S.A., Voicu G., Vasile E., Iovu H. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

284. Nanoscale analysis of the cross-sectional structure and composition of ZnO: Al active channel layer in thin film transistors – Vasile E., Mihaiu S., Plugaru R. – Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2012 – link

285. New lanthanide complexes as potential fluorescent labels – Oprea O., Stanescu M.D., Jitaru I., Alexandrescu L., Covaliu C.I., Craciun L. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

286. Optimized anti-pathogenic agents based on core/shell nanostructures and 2-((4-ethylphenoxy)ethyl)-N-(substitutedphenylcarbamothioyl)-benzamides – Limban C., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Voicu G., Predan G., Sakizlian R., Chifiriuc M.C. – International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012 – link

287. Photoluminescence, magnetic properties and photocatalytic activity of Gd3+ doped Zno nanoparticles – Oprea O., Vasile O.R., Voicu G., Craciun L., Andronescu E. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

288. Physical-chemical processes at hardening of some lime-limestone-volcanic tuff composites – Georgescu M., Mohanu I., Voicu G., Cotofana V. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

289. Physico-chemical and biocompatible properties of hydroxyapatite based composites prepared by an innovative synthesis route – Vasile E., Popescu L.M., Piticescu R.M., Burlacu A., Buruiana T. – Materials Letters, 2012 – link

290. Polymer colloids and silver nanoparticles hybrid materials – Vasile E., Rusen E., Mocanu A., Patrascu M., Calinescu I. – Colloid and Polymer Science, 2012 – link

291. Polymeric magnetic silica microspheres as a drug loader for antimicrobial delivery substances – Grumezescu A.M., Ficai A., Ficai D., Predan G., Chifiriuc M.C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

292. Possibilities for recovery of some glass waste from cathode ray tubes [Posibilitǎţi de valorificare a unor deşeuri de sticlǎ provenite de la tuburile cinescoape] – Dima V., Eftimie M., Volceanov A., Voicu G., Dinca R. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

293. Potassium sorbate release from poly(vinyl alcohol)-bacterial cellulose films – Jipa I.M., Stoica A., Stroescu M., Dobre L.-M., Dobre T., Jinga S., Tardei C. – Chemical Papers, 2012 – link

294. Preparation and characterization of bacterial cellulose-poly(vinyl alcohol) films with antimicrobial properties – Mihaela Jipa I., Dobre L., Stroescu M., Stoica-Guzun A., Jinga S., Dobre T. – Materials Letters, 2012 – link

295. Preparation and properties of nanocrystalline BNT-BT x piezoelectric ceramics by sol-gel and spark plasma sintering – Cernea M., Poli G., Aldica G.V., Berbecaru C., Vasile B.S., Galassi C. – Current Applied Physics, 2012 – link

296. Preparation of nanostructured ZnO nanorods in a hydrothermal- electrochemical process – Sima M., Vasile E. – Thin Solid Films, 2012 – link

297. Protective effect of magnetite nanoparticle/Salvia officinalis essential oil hybrid nanobiosystem against fungal colonization on the provox® voice section prosthesis – Anghel I., Grumezescu V., Andronescu E., Anghel G.A., Grumezescu A.M., Mihaiescu D.E., Chifiriuc M.C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

298. Releases of dioxins and furans in the cement industry [Emisiile de dioxine şi furani în industria cimentului] – Andronescu E., Puscasu D.V. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

299. Role of the oxygen on the initial growth mechanism and microstructure of YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films – Stanciu G., Scarisoreanu N.D., Birjega R., Dinescu M., Andronescu E. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2012 – link

300. Silk fibroin films for tissue bioengineering applications – Zaharia C., Tudora M.-R., Stanescu P.O., Vasile E., Cincu C. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

301. Solar physical vapor deposition preparation and microstructural characterization of TiO2 based nanophases for dye-sensitized solar cell applications – Negrea D., Ducu C., Moga S., Malinovschi V., Monty C.J.A., Vasile B., Dorobantu D., Enachescu M. – Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012 – link

302. Sol-gel synthesis of white mineral trioxide aggregate with potential use as biocement – Voicu G., Badanoiu A.I., Ghitulica C.D., Andronescu E. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

303. Sol-gel zirconia nanopowders with α-cyclodextrin as organic additive – Rileanu M., Todan L., Crian D., Drgan N., Crian M., Stan C., Andronescu C., Voicescu M., Vasile B.S., Ianculescu A. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012 – link

304. Spark-plasma-sintering temperature dependence of structural and piezoelectric properties of BNT-BT 0.08 nanostructured ceramics – Cernea M., Fochi F., Aldica G.V., Vasile B.S., Trusca R., Galassi C. – Journal of Materials Science, 2012 – link

305. Structural and morphological characterization of Pr 3+ and Er 3+-containing SiO 2-P 2O 5 sol-gel thin films – Elisa M., Sava B.A., Vasiliu I.C., Nastase F., Nastase C., Volceanov A., Stoleriu S. – Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012 – link

306. Structural and piezoelectric characteristics of BNT-BT 0.05 thin films processed by sol-gel technique – Cernea M., Trupina L., Dragoi C., Vasile B.S., Trusca R. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012 – link

307. Structural, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties of fine-grained NBT-BT 0.11 ceramic derived from gel precursor – Cernea M., Galassi C., Vasile B.S., Capiani C., Berbecaru C., Pintilie I., Pintilie L. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2012 – link

308. Synthesis and characterization of dense COLL/HA composite materials – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Albu M.G., Grumezescu A., Sonmez M., Ficai D. – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, ICAMS 2012, 2012 – link

309. Synthesis and characterization of geopolymer binders from fly ash – Catanescu I., Georgescu M., Melinescu A. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

310. Synthesis and characterization of hybrid PVA/Al 2O 3 thin film – Sonmez M., Ficai D., Stan A., Bleotu C., Matei L., Ficai A., Andronescu E. – Materials Letters, 2012 – link

311. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured zinc oxide particles synthesized by the pyrosol method – Vasile O.-R., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C., Vasile B.S., Oprea O., Vasile E., Trusca R. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012 – link

312. Synthesis of nanocomposites based on fluorine containing epoxy resin reinforced with surfactant functionalized MWCNTs – Damian C.M., Garea S.A., Vasile E., Iovu H. – ECCM 2012 – Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2012 – link

313. Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical behavior of some Mo(V)-Sn(II) complex compounds – Chivu H., Ficai D., Bujduveanu M.R., Bercu V., Micu O., Ungureanu E.-M., Guran C. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

314. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro assessment of the magnetic chitosan-carboxymethylcellulose biocomposite interactions with the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells – Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Ficai A., Bleotu C., Mihaiescu D.E., Chifiriuc M.C. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2012 – link

315. Synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour of complexes of Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) with Schiff base derived from 1-H-indole-2,3-dione and o-aminobenzylic alcohol – Ignat I., Oprea O., Stanica N., Kriza A. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

316. The effect of UV-irradiation on poly(vinyl alcohol) composites with bacterial cellulose – Stoica-Guzun A., Stroescu M., Jipa I., Dobre L., Jinga S., Zaharescu T. – Macromolecular Symposia, 2012 – link

317. The impact of the Pb(Zr,Ti)O3-ZnO interface quality on the hysteretic properties of a metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor structure – Pintilie I., Pasuk I., Ibanescu G.A., Negrea R., Chirila C., Vasile E., Pintilie L. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2012 – link

318. The influence of infiltration parameters on mullite matrix composites – Stoleriu S., Netoiu C., Carabat A., Andronescu E. – 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference and EXPO – Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, SGEM 2012, 2012 – link

319. Ultrasound influence upon calcium carbonate precipitation on bacterial cellulose membranes – Stoica-Guzun A., Stroescu M., Jinga S., Jipa I., Dobre T., Dobre L. – Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2012 – link

320. YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition and radio-frequency assisted pulsed laser deposition – Stanciu G., Scarisoreanu N.D., Ion V., Moldovan A., Andronescu E., Dinescu M. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

227. A new route for synthesis and characterization of macroporous granular silver – Stroia A., Matei C., Vasile B.S., Oprea O., Covaliu C., Jitaru I. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

228. A study of ternary intermetallic borides in the RE-TM-B ternary systems (RE = La, Gd, Y; TM = Ni, Co, Fe) [Studiul Compuşilor Intermetalici Ternari pe Bazǎ de Bor În Sistemele Ternare TR-MT-B (TR =La, Gd, Y; MT= Ni, Co, Fe)] – Pall L., Bobet J.-L., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

229. Advanced functionalization of organoclay nanoparticles by silylation and their polystyrene nanocomposites obtained by miniemulsion polymerization – Ianchis R., Corobea M.C., Donescu D., Rosca I.D., Cinteza L.O., Nistor L.C., Vasile E., Marin A., Preda S. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012 – link

230. Analysis of the structure and morphology of hydroxyapatite nanopowder obtained by sol-gel and pirosol methods – Rogojan R., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C., Birsan M., Voicu G., Stoleriu S., Melinescu A., Ianculescu A. – Advanced Materials Research, 2012 – link

231. Antibiotic potentiator effect of the natural and synthetic zeolites with well defined nanopores with possible ent clinical applications – Anghel I., Grumezescu A.M., Anghel A.G., Chireac I., Marutescu L., Mihaiescu D.E., Chifiriuc M.C. – Farmacia, 2012 – link

232. Antimicrobial performances of some film forming materials based on silver nanoparticles – Pica A., Guran C., Andronescu E., Oprea O., Ficai D., Ficai A. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

233. Apatite formation on active nanostructured coating based on functionalized gold nanoparticles – Vasile E., Serafim A., Dragusin D.-M., Petrea C., Iovu H., Stancu I.-C. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012 – link

234. Ba(Zn 1/3Ta 2/3)O 3 perovskite ceramics doped with Nb 5+, Ce 4+ or Yb[p 3+ – Busuioc C., Jinga S.I., Stoleriu S., Nedelcu L., Andronescu E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

235. Barium magnesium tantalate thin films obtained by sol-gel processing [Filme subţiri pe bazǎ de tantalat de bariu şi magneziu obţinute prin procesare sol-gel] – Busuioc C., Jinga S.I., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

236. Binding properties and biocompatibility of accelerated Portland cement for endodontic use – Voicu G., Badanoiu A.I., Andronescu E., Bleotu C. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

237. Binuclear oxomolybdenum (v) complex compounds with pyridazone derivatives – Oprea O., Chivu H., Ficai D., Curan C. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

238. Bioassay and electrochemical evaluation of controlled release behavior of cephalosporins from magnetic nanoparticles – Mihaiescu D.E., Grumezescu A.M., Buteica A.S., Mogosanu D.E., Balaure P.C., Mihaiescu O.M., Traistaru V., Vasile B.S. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

239. Biocompatible magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles doped dextran thin films produced by spin coating deposition solution – Iconaru S.L., Andronescu E., Ciobanu C.S., Prodan A.M., le Coustumer P., Predoi D. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

240. Biocompatible magnetic MWCNTs based on phytocomponents from eugenia carryophyllata – Saviuc C., Grumezescu A.M., Banu O., Chifiriuc C., Mihaiescu D., Balaure P., Lazar V. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

241. Biodegradation Behavior of Composite Films with Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Matrix – Kibedi-Szabo C.Z., Stroescu M., Stoica-Guzun A., Jinga S.I., Szilveszter S., Jipa I., Dobre T. – Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2012 – link

242. Bionic features of thin biomaterial layers deposited by PLD onto titanium implants – Maris D.A., Maris M., Vasile E., Sarbu R., Maris M., Duta L., Dorcioman G., Mihailescu I.N. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

243. Changing bioperformance of TiO 2 amorphous nanotubes as an effect of inducing crystallinity – Mazare A., Dilea M., Ionita D., Titorencu I., Trusca V., Vasile E. – Bioelectrochemistry, 2012 – link

244. Colloidal silica use as dyes removing system – Scurtu M., Andronescu E., Guran C., Sonmez M., Grumezescu A., Ficai U.A., Ficai D. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

245. Cordierite-mullite porcelain stoneware [Gresie porţelanatǎ cordierit-muliticǎ] – Melinescu A., Preda M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

246. Covalent and non-covalent functionalized MWCNTs for improved thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy composites – Damian C.M., Garea S.A., Vasile E., Iovu H. – Composites Part B: Engineering, 2012 – link

247. Development of systems for the laser synthesis of nanoparticles starting from liquid precursors – Popovici E., Luculescu C., Alexandrescu R., Fleaca C., Dumitrache F., Barjega R., Scarisoreanu M., Dutu E., Barbut A., Morjan I., Vasile E. – Applied Surface Science, 2012 – link

248. Dielectric and piezoelectric behaviors of NBT-BT0.05 processed by sol-gel method – Cernea M., Vasile B.S., Capiani C., Ioncea A., Galassi C. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2012 – link

249. Drug delivery systems based on silica with prolonged delivery of folic acid [Sisteme cu eliberare controlatǎ pe bazǎ de silice cu eliberare prelungitǎ de acid folic] – Florea M.G., Ficai A., Oprea O., Guran C., Ficai D., Pall L., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

250. Effect of gamma irradiation on biopolymer composite films of poly(vinyl alcohol) and bacterial cellulose – Jipa I.M., Stroescu M., Stoica-Guzun A., Dobre T., Jinga S., Zaharescu T. – Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2012 – link

251. Effect of reactive grinding with MgO on the properties of magnesium [Influence du broyage réactif avec MgO sur les proprié tés du magnésium] – Pall L., Bobet J.-L., Andronescu E. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

252. Effects of ZnO nanoparticles on the wet scrub resistance and photocatalytic properties of acrylic coatings – Dumitru F.V., Comanescu C., Oprea O., Ficai D., Guran C. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

253. Fabrication of iron oxide nanospheres using pyrosol technique – Andronescu E., Grumezescu A., Ficai A., Vasile B.S., Grumezescu V., Vasile E., Ficai D. – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, ICAMS 2012, 2012 – link

254. Gelatin hydrogels: Effect of ethylene oxide based synthetic crosslinking agents on the physico-chemical properties – Serafim A., Dragusin D.M., Zecheru T., Dubruel P., Petre D., Ciocan L.T., Vasile E., Stancu I.C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

255. Grain size-dependent properties of dense nanocrystalline barium titanate ceramics – Curecheriu L., Balmus S.-B., Buscaglia M.T., Buscaglia V., Ianculescu A., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2012 – link

256. Hardening processes and hydrates in alkali-activated slag and geopolymer with Pb content [Procese de Întǎrire Şi Produşi de Reacţie În Sisteme Liante de Tip Zgurǎ Activatǎ Alcalin Şi Geopolimer, Cu Conţinut DE Pb] – Moncea A.M., Georgescu M., Melinescu A., Stoleriu S., Moncea A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

257. High-field dielectric properties and Raman spectroscopic investigation of the ferroelectric-to-relaxor crossover in BaSn xTi 1-xO 3 ceramics – Deluca M., Stoleriu L., Curecheriu L.P., Horchidan N., Ianculescu A.C., Galassi C., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2012 – link

258. Highly antioxidant carotene-lipid nanocarriers: Synthesis and antibacterial activity – Lacatusu I., Badea N., Ovidiu O., Bojin D., Meghea A. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012 – link

259. Hybrid magnetite nanoparticles/rosmarinus officinalis essential oil nanobiosystem with antibiofilm activity – Chifiriuc C., Grumezescu V., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Lazar V., Andronescu E. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012 – link

260. Hybrid nanomaterial for stabilizing the antibiofilm activity of eugenia carryophyllata essential oil – Grumezescu A.M., Chifiriuc M.C., Saviuc C., Grumezescu V., Hristu R., Mihaiescu D.E., Stanciu G.A., Andronescu E. – IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2012 – link

261. Hydrothermal synthesis of SrTiO 3 mesocrystals: Single crystal to mesocrystal transformation induced by topochemical reactions – Kalyani V., Vasile B.S., Ianculescu A., Buscaglia M.T., Buscaglia V., Nanni P. – Crystal Growth and Design, 2012 – link

262. Immobilization of waste glass with high lead content in different binding matrices. influnce on the mechanical strength [Imobilizarea unui deşeu de sticlǎ cu conţinut mare de plumb în diferite matrici liante. influenţe asupra dezvoltǎrii rezistenţelor mecanice] – Moncea A.M., Georgescu M., Badanoiu A., Matei E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

263. Improved antibacterial activity of cephalosporins loaded in magnetic chitosan microspheres – Chifiriuc C.M., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Croitoru C., Mihaiescu D.E., Lazar V. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2012 – link

264. In vitro evaluation of anti-pathogenic surface coating nanofluid, obtained by combining Fe3O4/ C12 nanostructures and 2-((4-ethylphenoxy) methyl)-N-(substituted-phenylcarbamothioyl)- benzamides – Anghel I., Limban C., Grumezescu A.M., Anghel A.G., Bleotu C., Chifiriuc M.C. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012 – link

265. In vitro evaluation of bactericidal and antibiofilm activity of lonicera tatarica and viburnum opulus plant extracts on staphylococcus strains – Bubulica M.V., Anghel I., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Anghel G.A., Chifiriuc M.C., Gheorghe I., Lazar V., Popescu A. – Farmacia, 2012 – link

266. Influence of a TiO 2 buffer layer on the magnetic properties of anatase Co:TiO 2 thin films – Gabor M.S., Petrisor Jr. T., Tiusan C., Hehn M., Vasile B.S., Petrisor T. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2012 – link

267. Influence of hybrid inorganic/organic mesoporous and nanostructured materials on the cephalosporins’ efficacy on different bacterial strains – Carmen Chifiriuc M., Mihaiescu D., Ilinca E., Marutescu L., Mihaescu G., Mihai Grumezescu A. – IET Nanobiotechnology, 2012 – link

268. Influence of precipitation conditions on the crystallisation and morphology of europium-doped lanthanum orthophosphate [Influenţa condiţiilor de precipitare asupra cristalizǎrii şi morfologiei ortofosfatului de lantan dopat cu europiu] – Carabat A.L., Berger D., Georgescu S., Nastase S., Stoleriu S., Matei C. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

269. Influence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and cetyl trimethylammonium bromide upon calcium carbonate precipitation on bacterial cellulose – Stroescu M., Stoica-Guzun A., Jinga S.I., Dobre T., Jipa I.M., Dobre L.M. – Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012 – link

270. Investigation of the composition-dependent properties of BaTi 1-xZr xO 3 ceramics prepared by the modified Pechini method – Deluca M., Vasilescu C.A., Ianculescu A.C., Berger D.C., Ciomaga C.E., Curecheriu L.P., Stoleriu L., Gajovic A., Mitoseriu L., Galassi C. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2012 – link

271. Investigation of thermal behaviour of hybrid nanostructures based on Fe 2O 3 and PAMAM dendrimers – Popescu L.M., Piticescu R.M., Stoiciu M., Vasile E., Trusca R. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2012 – link

272. Laser processing issues of nanosized intermetallic Fe-Sn and metallic Sn particles – Alexandrescu R., Morjan I., Dumitrache F., Birjega R., Fleaca C., Morjan I., Scarisoreanu M., Luculescu C.R., Dutu E., Kuncser V., Filoti G., Vasile E., Ciupina V. – Applied Surface Science, 2012 –     link

273. Layered shaped alginate hydrogels for soft tissue engineering based on chemical control of the crosslinking rate – Dimonie D., Gabor R., Mitran V., Vasile E., Trusca R., Petrache M., Doncea S., Fierascu R.C., Fierascu I., Nicolae C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

274. Layer-shaped alginate hydrogels enhance the biological performance of human adipose-derived stem cells – Galateanu B., Dimonie D., Vasile E., Nae S., Cimpean A., Costache M. – BMC Biotechnology, 2012 – link

275. Lipase immobilisation on new silica-based supports – Comanescu C., Ficai D., Ficai A., Oprea O., Lacatusu I., Guran C. – Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2012 – link

276. Magnetic core/shell nanoparticle thin films deposited by MAPLE: Investigation by chemical, morphological and in vitro biological assays – Cristescu R., Popescu C., Socol G., Iordache I., Mihailescu I.N., Mihaiescu D.E., Grumezescu A.M., Balan A., Stamatin I., Chifiriuc C., Bleotu C., Saviuc C., Popa M., Chrisey D.B. – Applied Surface Science, 2012 – link

277. Magnetite nanoparticles for functionalized textile dressing to prevent fungal biofilms development – Anghel I., Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Anghel A.G., Ficai A., Saviuc C., Grumezescu V., Vasile B.S., Chifiriuc M.C. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012 – link

278. Microwave dielectric properties of Ba(Zn 1/3Ta 2/3)O 3 ceramics doped with Nb 2O 5, MnO 2 or V 2O 3 – Jinga S.I., Stoleriu S., Busuioc C. – Materials Research Bulletin, 2012 – link

279. Mimicking the morphology of long bone – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Ficai D., Sonmez M., Albu M.G., Voicu G. – Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2012 – link

280. Modified Pechini synthesis of tricalcium aluminate powder – Voicu G., Ghitulica C.D., Andronescu E. – Materials Characterization, 2012 – link

281. Modified wound dressing with phytonanostructured coating to prevent staphylococcal and pseudomonal biofilm development – Anghel I., Holban A.M., Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Ficai A., Anghel A.G., Maganu M., Lazar V., Chifiriuc M.C. – Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012 – link

282. Modulation of ionotropic alginate hydrogel microarchitecture by controlling the crosslinker ions migration – Dimonie D., Petrache M., Trusca R., Vasile E., Costache M., Fierascu R.C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

283. Nanocomposites based on a new polybenzoxazine resin and MMT – Andronescu C., Garea S.A., Voicu G., Vasile E., Iovu H. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

284. Nanoscale analysis of the cross-sectional structure and composition of ZnO: Al active channel layer in thin film transistors – Vasile E., Mihaiu S., Plugaru R. – Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2012 – link

285. New lanthanide complexes as potential fluorescent labels – Oprea O., Stanescu M.D., Jitaru I., Alexandrescu L., Covaliu C.I., Craciun L. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

286. Optimized anti-pathogenic agents based on core/shell nanostructures and 2-((4-ethylphenoxy)ethyl)-N-(substitutedphenylcarbamothioyl)-benzamides – Limban C., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Voicu G., Predan G., Sakizlian R., Chifiriuc M.C. – International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012 – link

287. Photoluminescence, magnetic properties and photocatalytic activity of Gd3+ doped Zno nanoparticles – Oprea O., Vasile O.R., Voicu G., Craciun L., Andronescu E. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

288. Physical-chemical processes at hardening of some lime-limestone-volcanic tuff composites – Georgescu M., Mohanu I., Voicu G., Cotofana V. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

289. Physico-chemical and biocompatible properties of hydroxyapatite based composites prepared by an innovative synthesis route – Vasile E., Popescu L.M., Piticescu R.M., Burlacu A., Buruiana T. – Materials Letters, 2012 – link

290. Polymer colloids and silver nanoparticles hybrid materials – Vasile E., Rusen E., Mocanu A., Patrascu M., Calinescu I. – Colloid and Polymer Science, 2012 – link

291. Polymeric magnetic silica microspheres as a drug loader for antimicrobial delivery substances – Grumezescu A.M., Ficai A., Ficai D., Predan G., Chifiriuc M.C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

292. Possibilities for recovery of some glass waste from cathode ray tubes [Posibilitǎţi de valorificare a unor deşeuri de sticlǎ provenite de la tuburile cinescoape] – Dima V., Eftimie M., Volceanov A., Voicu G., Dinca R. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

293. Potassium sorbate release from poly(vinyl alcohol)-bacterial cellulose films – Jipa I.M., Stoica A., Stroescu M., Dobre L.-M., Dobre T., Jinga S., Tardei C. – Chemical Papers, 2012 – link

294. Preparation and characterization of bacterial cellulose-poly(vinyl alcohol) films with antimicrobial properties – Mihaela Jipa I., Dobre L., Stroescu M., Stoica-Guzun A., Jinga S., Dobre T. – Materials Letters, 2012 – link

295. Preparation and properties of nanocrystalline BNT-BT x piezoelectric ceramics by sol-gel and spark plasma sintering – Cernea M., Poli G., Aldica G.V., Berbecaru C., Vasile B.S., Galassi C. – Current Applied Physics, 2012 – link

296. Preparation of nanostructured ZnO nanorods in a hydrothermal- electrochemical process – Sima M., Vasile E. – Thin Solid Films, 2012 – link

297. Protective effect of magnetite nanoparticle/Salvia officinalis essential oil hybrid nanobiosystem against fungal colonization on the provox® voice section prosthesis – Anghel I., Grumezescu V., Andronescu E., Anghel G.A., Grumezescu A.M., Mihaiescu D.E., Chifiriuc M.C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

298. Releases of dioxins and furans in the cement industry [Emisiile de dioxine şi furani în industria cimentului] – Andronescu E., Puscasu D.V. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2012 – link

299. Role of the oxygen on the initial growth mechanism and microstructure of YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films – Stanciu G., Scarisoreanu N.D., Birjega R., Dinescu M., Andronescu E. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2012 – link

300. Silk fibroin films for tissue bioengineering applications – Zaharia C., Tudora M.-R., Stanescu P.O., Vasile E., Cincu C. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

301. Solar physical vapor deposition preparation and microstructural characterization of TiO2 based nanophases for dye-sensitized solar cell applications – Negrea D., Ducu C., Moga S., Malinovschi V., Monty C.J.A., Vasile B., Dorobantu D., Enachescu M. – Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012 – link

302. Sol-gel synthesis of white mineral trioxide aggregate with potential use as biocement – Voicu G., Badanoiu A.I., Ghitulica C.D., Andronescu E. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012 – link

303. Sol-gel zirconia nanopowders with α-cyclodextrin as organic additive – Rileanu M., Todan L., Crian D., Drgan N., Crian M., Stan C., Andronescu C., Voicescu M., Vasile B.S., Ianculescu A. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012 – link

304. Spark-plasma-sintering temperature dependence of structural and piezoelectric properties of BNT-BT 0.08 nanostructured ceramics – Cernea M., Fochi F., Aldica G.V., Vasile B.S., Trusca R., Galassi C. – Journal of Materials Science, 2012 – link

305. Structural and morphological characterization of Pr 3+ and Er 3+-containing SiO 2-P 2O 5 sol-gel thin films – Elisa M., Sava B.A., Vasiliu I.C., Nastase F., Nastase C., Volceanov A., Stoleriu S. – Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012 – link

306. Structural and piezoelectric characteristics of BNT-BT 0.05 thin films processed by sol-gel technique – Cernea M., Trupina L., Dragoi C., Vasile B.S., Trusca R. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012 – link

307. Structural, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties of fine-grained NBT-BT 0.11 ceramic derived from gel precursor – Cernea M., Galassi C., Vasile B.S., Capiani C., Berbecaru C., Pintilie I., Pintilie L. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2012 – link

308. Synthesis and characterization of dense COLL/HA composite materials – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Albu M.G., Grumezescu A., Sonmez M., Ficai D. – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, ICAMS 2012, 2012 – link

309. Synthesis and characterization of geopolymer binders from fly ash – Catanescu I., Georgescu M., Melinescu A. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

310. Synthesis and characterization of hybrid PVA/Al 2O 3 thin film – Sonmez M., Ficai D., Stan A., Bleotu C., Matei L., Ficai A., Andronescu E. – Materials Letters, 2012 – link

311. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured zinc oxide particles synthesized by the pyrosol method – Vasile O.-R., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C., Vasile B.S., Oprea O., Vasile E., Trusca R. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012 – link

312. Synthesis of nanocomposites based on fluorine containing epoxy resin reinforced with surfactant functionalized MWCNTs – Damian C.M., Garea S.A., Vasile E., Iovu H. – ECCM 2012 – Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2012 – link

313. Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical behavior of some Mo(V)-Sn(II) complex compounds – Chivu H., Ficai D., Bujduveanu M.R., Bercu V., Micu O., Ungureanu E.-M., Guran C. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012 – link

314. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro assessment of the magnetic chitosan-carboxymethylcellulose biocomposite interactions with the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells – Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Ficai A., Bleotu C., Mihaiescu D.E., Chifiriuc M.C. – International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2012 – link

315. Synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour of complexes of Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) with Schiff base derived from 1-H-indole-2,3-dione and o-aminobenzylic alcohol – Ignat I., Oprea O., Stanica N., Kriza A. – Revista de Chimie, 2012 – link

316. The effect of UV-irradiation on poly(vinyl alcohol) composites with bacterial cellulose – Stoica-Guzun A., Stroescu M., Jipa I., Dobre L., Jinga S., Zaharescu T. – Macromolecular Symposia, 2012 – link

317. The impact of the Pb(Zr,Ti)O3-ZnO interface quality on the hysteretic properties of a metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor structure – Pintilie I., Pasuk I., Ibanescu G.A., Negrea R., Chirila C., Vasile E., Pintilie L. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2012 – link

318. The influence of infiltration parameters on mullite matrix composites – Stoleriu S., Netoiu C., Carabat A., Andronescu E. – 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference and EXPO – Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, SGEM 2012, 2012 – link

319. Ultrasound influence upon calcium carbonate precipitation on bacterial cellulose membranes – Stoica-Guzun A., Stroescu M., Jinga S., Jipa I., Dobre T., Dobre L. – Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2012 – link

320. YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition and radio-frequency assisted pulsed laser deposition – Stanciu G., Scarisoreanu N.D., Ion V., Moldovan A., Andronescu E., Dinescu M. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2012 – link

321. 5 nm structures produced by direct laser writing – Pavel E., Jinga S., Andronescu E., Vasile B.S., Rotiu E., Ionescu L., Mazilu C. – Nanotechnology, 2011 – link

322. A new complex compound of copper with 2-deoxy-D-glucose synthesis, characterization and biologic activity – Covaliu C.I., Oprea O., Jitaru I., Craciun L. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

323. About graphene ribbons development in laser synthesized nanocarbon – Gavrila Florescu L., Vasile E., Sandu I., Soare I., Fleaca C., Ianchis R., Luculescu C., Dutu E., Birjega R., Morjan I., Voicu I. – Applied Surface Science, 2011 – link

324. Alkali earth metal indates synthesized by precursor method – Gingasu D., Oprea O., Mindru I., Culita D.C., Patron L. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

325. Alumina composites obtained by unconventional heat treatment [Compozite aluminoase obţinute prin tehnici neconvenţionale] – State R., Volceanov A., Volceanov E., Stoleriu S. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

326. Antioxidant Activity of a Ni (II)-2-deoxy-D-glucose complex compound – Covaliu C.I., Oprea O., Jinga O.A., Jitaru I. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

327. Bacterial adherence to the cellular and inert substrate in the presence of CoFe2O4 and Fe3O4/oleic acid – core/shell – Chifiriuc C., Lazar V., Bleotu C., Calugarescu I., Grumezescu A.M., Mihaiescu D.E., Mogosanu D.E., Buteica A.S., Buteica E. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

328. BET and XRD studies on the hydroxyapatite and europium doped hydroxyapatite – Ciobanu C.S., Andronescu E., Predoi D. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2011 – link

329. Biocompatibility study of europium doped crystalline hydroxyapatite bioceramics – Ciobanu C.S., Massuyeau F., Andronescu E., Stan M.S., Dinischiotu A., Predoi D. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

330. Biomimetic mineralization of the human nasal septum cartilage – Ficai A., Ficai D., Andronescu E., Maganu M., Voicu G., Sonmez M. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

331. Calcium phosphate powders obtained through the pyrosol method [Pulberi de fosfat de calciu obţinute prin metoda pyrosol] – Dinu E., Ghitulica C.D., Voicu G., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

332. Casein – nanosized nucleator for in vitro mineralization – Dragusin D.M., Serafim A., Zecheru T., Stancu C., Vasile E., Ciupina V. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2011 – link

333. Casein – PHEMA: In vitro formation of nanometric Ca-P nuclei – Dragusin D.M., Giol D.E., Serafim A., Vasile E., Zecheru T., Stancu I.C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

334. Cathodes based on lanthanum manganese for solid oxide fuel cells – Velciu G., Storch H.P., Preda M., Melinescu A. – Analele Universitatii Bucuresti Chimie, 2011 – link

335. Characterisation of surface organisation and morphology of some new experimental dental resin-based composites – Prejmerean C., Tomoaia-Cotisel M., Vasile E., Furtos G., Pop L., Moldovan M., Sarosi C., Petean I. – International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials, 2011 – link

336. Characterization and testing of the maghemite nanoparticles used for removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous synthetic solutions – Matei E., Predescu A.M., Predescu A., Vasile E. – Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2011 – link

337. Characterization of electron beam irradiated collagenpolyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and collagen-dextran (DEX) blends – Dumitrascu M., Meltzer V., Sima E., Virgolici M.G., Albu M.G., Ficai A., Moise V., Minea R., Vancea C., Scarisoreanu A., Scarlat F. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

338. Collagen/hydroxyapatite composite materials with desired ceramic properties – Andronescu E., Voicu G., Ficai M., Mohora I.A., Trusca R., Ficai A. – Journal of Electron Microscopy, 2011 – link

339. Collagen-doxycycline matrices used in tissue engineering – Titorencu I., Albu M.G., Popa L., Ficai A., Albu L., Jinga V., Ghica M.V. – Farmacia, 2011 – link

340. Comparison between octa – or monofunctional POSS interactions with dimethacrylate monomers – Lungu A., Florea N.M., Voicu G., Iovu H. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2011 – link

341. Cr- doped nanostructured silica obtained via structure directing agents and chiral 1-phenylethylaminetricarbonyl- chromium [Silice nanostructuratǎ dopatǎ CU Cr obţinutǎ prin intermediul agenţilor de direcţionare a structurii şi a tricarbonil-crom-1-feniletilaminei chorale] – Stan R., Ott C., Voicu G., Lungu A., Rosca S.I. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

342. Deae-cellulose/Fe3O4/cephalosporins hybrid materials for targeted drug delivery [Materiale hibride deae-celulozǎ/Fe3O4/cefalosporine pentru livrarea ţintitǎ a medicamentelor] – Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Ficai A., Saviuc C., Mihaiescu D., Chifiriuc M.C. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

343. Dielectric and ferroelectric characterization of Ba0.95Tm 0.05TiO3 ceramics derived from sol to gel – Cernea M., Vasile B.S., Ganea P., Radu R., Mihalache V., Husanu A. – Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011 – link

344. Dielectric and tunability properties of La-doped BaTiO3 ceramics – Ianculescu A., Mocanu Z.V., Curecheriu L.P., Mitoseriu L., Padurariu L., Truc R. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011 – link

345. DSC investigation of nanocrystalline TiO2 powder – Marinescu C., Sofronia A., Rusti C., Piticescu R., Badilita V., Vasile E., Baies R., Tanasescu S. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2011 – link

346. Eco-friendly combustion-based synthesis of metal aluminates MAl 2O 4 (M = Ni, Co) – Tirsoaga A., Visinescu D., Jurca B., Ianculescu A., Carp O. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011 – link

347. Electrical properties of new organo-inorganic layered perovskites – Covaliu C.I., Chioaru L.C., Craciun L., Oprea O., Jitaru I. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2011 – link

348. Evaluation of the coordination of some alkali ions in oxide glasses using basicity measurements – Dumitrescu O., Radu D. – Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B, 2011 – link

349. Fe3O4/SiO2/APTMS nanoparticles with core-shell structure as potential materials for cooper removal – Ficai D., Ficai A., Alexie M., Maganu M., Guran C., Andronescu E. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

350. Geopolymer binders based on fly ash influences of some compositional characteristics – Georgescu M., Catanescu I.-E., Voicu G. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

351. Gold nanowire networks: Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity – Chirea M., Freitas A., Vasile B.S., Ghitulica C., Pereira C.M., Silva F. – Langmuir, 2011 – link

352. Heat treatment of TiO2 nanotubes, a way to significantly change their behaviour – Mazare A., Voicu G., Trusca R., Ionita D. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2011 – link

353. Holographic testing of fluorescent photosensitive glass-ceramics – Pavel E., Mihailescu M., Nicolae V.B., Jinga S., Andronescu E., Rotiu E., Ionescu L., Mazilu C. – Optics Communications, 2011 – link

354. Hybrid materials based on montmorillonite and citostatic drugs: Preparation and characterization – Iliescu R.I., Andronescu E., Voicu G., Ficai A., Covaliu C.I. – Applied Clay Science, 2011 – link

355. Hybrid nanosystem for stabilizing essential oils in biomedical applications – Saviuc C., Grumezescu A.M., Chifiriuc C.M., Mihaiescu D.E., Hristu R., Stanciu G., Oprea E., Radulescu V., Lazar V. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

356. Hydration and hardening processes of Portland cements obtained from clinkers mineralized with fluoride and oxides – Badanoiu A., Paceagiu J., Voicu G. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2011 – link

357. Identification of sugars from Silene Albae Herba using GC-MS technique – Dan Mogosanu G., Mihai Grumezescu A., Eduard Mihaiescu D., Istrati D., Elena Mogosanu D., Alice Buteica S. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2011 – link

358. Improved surface morphology of (110) NdGao3 substrates by thermal and chemical treatments [Optimizarea morfologiei suprafeţei substraturilor de NdGao3 (110) prin tratamente termice şi chimice] – Leca V., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

359. Influence of annealing treatment of nano-hydroxyapatite bioceramics on the vibrational properties – Ciobanu C.S., Andronescu E., Stoicu A., Florea O., le Coustumer P., Galaup S., Djouadi A., Mevellec J.Y., Musa I., Massuyeau F., Prodan A.M., Lafdi K., Trusca R., Pasuk I., Predoi D. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

360. Influence of preparation conditions on nanometric characteristics of zirconia and alumina powders [Influenţa condiţiilor de preparare asupra caracteristicilor nanometrice ale pulberilor de zirconǎ şi aluminǎ] – Stoleriu S., Andronescu E., Carabat A.L., Vasile B.S. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

361. Influence of raw materials characteristics and processing parameters on the strength of geopolymer cements based on fly ash – Badanoiu A., Voicu G. – Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2011 – link

362. Inhibitory activity of Fe 3O 4/oleic acid/usnic acid – Core/shell/extra-shell nanofluid on S. aureus biofilm development – Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Chifiriuc M.C., Hristu R., Mihaiescu D.E., Balaure P., Stanciu G., Lazar V. – IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2011 – link

363. Investigations on nano-iron oxides properties used for different industrial applications – Matei E., Predescu A.M., Predescu A., Vasile E., Predescu C. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2011 – link

364. In-vitro behavior of dicalcium silicate obtained through the sol-gel method [Comportarea in-vitro a silicatului dicalcic obţinut prin metoda sol-gel] – Voicu G., Ghitulica C.D., Dinu E., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

365. Kinetics and equilibrium studies on sorption of copper from aqueous solutions onto thermal power plants ash – Simonescu C., Dinca O.-R., Opru O., Capatina C. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

366. Knowledge discovery in industrial datasets: Application. Part II-prediction [Cunoştinţe fundamentale pe baze industriale: Aplicaţie. Partea a II-a-predicţie] – Ghizdavet Z. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

367. Lasses obtaining from borosilicate glass cullet and copper containing sludge – Ursu L.D., Diaconu A., Alexandru Sava B., Volceanov A. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2011 – link

368. Magnetic and dielectric properties of Ba12Fe28Ti 15O84 layered ferrite ceramics – Curecheriu L.P., Buscaglia M.T., Ianculescu A.C., Frunza R.C., Ciuchi I.V., Neagu A., Apachitei G., Bassano A., Canu G., Postolache P., Mitoseriu L., Buscaglia V. – Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011 – link

369. Magnetic nanoparticles coated with polysaccharide polymers for potential biomedical applications – Covaliu C.I., Berger D., Matei C., Diamandescu L., Vasile E., Cristea C., Ionita V., Iovu H. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011 – link

370. Main constituent elements for cells SOFC-IT [Elemente constitutive pentru celulele SOFC-IT] – Melinescu A., Velciu G., Marinescu V., Preda M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

371. Micro-nanostructural and composition characterization of ZnO: Al doped films by SEM-EDX and HRTEM-EDX – Vasile E., Plugaru R., Mihaiu S., Toader A. – Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2011 – link

372. Microstructural studies of platinum nanoparticles dispersed in Nafion membrane – Bragaru A., Vasile E., Danila M., Kusko M., Simion M., Iordanescu A., Pascu R., Craciunoiu F., Leca M. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2011 – link

373. Microstructure of some fly ash based geopolymer binders [Caracteristici microstructurale ale unor lianţi de tip geopolimer din cenuşǎ de termocentralǎ] – Georgescu M., Catanescu I., Voicu G. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

374. Modelling of calcium carbonate synthesis by gas-liquid reaction using CO2 from flue gases – Isopescu R., Mihai M., Capat C., Olaru A., Mateescu C., Dumitrescu O., Udrea I. – Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2011 – link

375. Montmorillonite-alginate nanocomposite beads as drug carrier for oral administration of carboplatin-preparation and characterization – Iliescu R.I., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C.D., Berger D., Ficai A. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2011 – link

376. Mtio3 (m=cu,ni) as catalysts in toluene oxidation – Traistaru G.A., Covaliu C.I., Oprea O., Matei V., Matei D., Cursaru D.L., Jitaru I. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

377. Nanostructured Al-Mn master alloys obtained by mechanical alloying – Popescu G., Vladutiu L.M., Soare V., Mitrica D., Trusca R., Vasile E. – Metalurgia International, 2011 – link

378. New approaches in layer by layer synthesis of collagen/hydroxyapatite composite materials – Ilie A., Andronescu E., Ficai D., Voicu G., Ficai M., Maganu M., Ficai A. – Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2011 – link

379. New mesoporous materials based on functionalized SBA-15 with 3-aminopropyl-tri(M)ethoxysilane [Noi materiale mezoporoase bazate pe SBA-15 modificat chimic cu 3-aminopropil-tri(M)etoxisilan] – Comanescu C., Palade P., Ficai D., Guran C. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

380. New organic – Inorganic hybrid materials for enzymes immobilization – Comanescu C., Ficai D., Lacatusu I., Guran C. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

381. NiO-silica based nanostructured materials obtained by microemulsion assisted sol-gel procedure – Mihaly M., Comanescu A.F., Rogozea A.E., Vasile E., Meghea A. – Materials Research Bulletin, 2011 – link

382. Non-linear dielectric properties of BiFeO3 ceramics – Curecheriu L., Gheorghiu F., Ianculescu A., Mitoseriu L. – Applied Physics Letters, 2011 – link

383. Optical and structural investigations on iron-containing phosphate glasses – Elisa M., Iordanescu R., Sava B.A., Aldica G., Kuncser V., Valsangiacom C., Schinteie G., Nastase F., Nastase C., Bercu V., Volceanov A., Peretz S. – Journal of Materials Science, 2011 – link

384. Organo-inorganic nanostructurated coating materials [Materiale de acoperire organo-anorganice nanostructurate] – Craciun E., Ioncea A., Jitaru I., Ghiurea M., Oprea O. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

385. Oxazoline-functional polymer particles graft with azo-dye – Jerca V.V., Nicolescu F.A., Trusca R., Vasile E., Baran A., Anghel D.F., Vasilescu D.S., Vuluga D.M. – Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2011 – link

386. Parametric studies on iron-carbon composite nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysis for increased passivation and high iron content – Dumitrache F., Morjan I., Fleaca C., Birjega R., Vasile E., Kuncser V., Alexandrescu R. – Applied Surface Science, 2011 – link

387. Physico-chemical and mechanical characterization of some experimental dental nanocomposites – Prejmerean C., Moldovan M., Petrea C.M., Prodan D., Silaghi-Dumitrescu L., Vasile E., Furtos G., Boboia S., Silaghi-Dumitrescu R. – Materiale Plastice, 2011 – link

388. Poly Bis-GMA/HA based hybrid composite materials – Ficai M., Andronescu E., Ficai A., Voicu G., Vasile B.S. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2011 – link

389. Porous calcium alginate-gelatin interpenetrated matrix and its biomineralization potential – Stancu I.-C., Dragusin D.M., Vasile E., Trusca R., Antoniac I., Vasilescu D.S. – Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2011 – link

390. Preliminary studies on hydroxyapatite doped with europium – Ciobanu C.S., Andronescu E., Vasile B.S., Trusca R., Predoi D. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2011 – link

391. Preparation and characterization of barium titanate stannate solid solutions – Horchidan N., Ianculescu A.C., Curecheriu L.P., Tudorache F., Musteata V., Stoleriu S., Dragan N., Crisan D., Tascu S., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011 – link

392. Preparation and dielectric spectroscopy characterization of a 2MnMoO6 (A = Ca, Sr and Ba) double perovskites – Perianu E.-A., Gorodea I.A., Gheorghiu F., Sandu A.V., Ianculescu A.C., Sandu I., Iordan A.R., Palamaru M.N. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

393. Properties of magnetic iron oxides used as materials for wastewater treatment – Matei E., Predescu A., Vasile E., Predescu A. – Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011 – link

394. Radical modification of the wetting behavior of textiles coated with ZnO thin films and nanoparticles when changing the ambient pressure in the pulsed laser deposition process – Popescu A.C., Duta L., Dorcioman G., Mihailescu I.N., Stan G.E., Pasuk I., Zgura I., Beica T., Enculescu I., Ianculescu A., Dumitrescu I. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2011 – link

395. Research on the absorbing properties of some new types of composite materials [Cercetǎri privind proprietǎţile fonoabsorbante ale unor noi tipuri de materiale compozite] – Bratu M., Ropota I., Vasile O., Dumitrescu O., Muntean M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

396. Reuse of pet waste as thermoplastic composites – Dumitrescu O., Ropota I., Bratu M., Muntean M. – Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2011 – link

397. Simulating the influence of the cooling air temperature and of the fuel selection on the clinkering plant design and operation [Modele de simulare a influenţei aerului de rǎcire şi a tipului de combustibil asupra proiectǎrii şi operǎrii unei instalaţii de clincherizare] – Ghizdavet Z., Radu D., David A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

398. Sol-gel TiO2-based oxide systems – Crisan M., Raileanu M., Ianculescu A., Crisan D., Dragan N. – The Sol-Gel Process: Uniformity, Polymers and Applications, 2011 – link

399. Sound-absorbing properties of composite materials reinforced with various wastes – Bratu M., Ropota I., Vasile O., Dumitrescu O., Muntean M. – Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2011 – link

400. Starch – A suitable fuel in new low-temperature combustion-based synthesis of zinc aluminate oxides – Visinescu D., Jurca B., Ianculescu A., Carp O. – Polyhedron, 2011 – link

401. Structural and chemical properties of cerium-magnetoplumbite in cerium based IT-SOFC compounds – Vlaicu A.M., Mercioniu I., Vasile B.S., Negrila C.C., Logofatu C., Cretu N.C., Nita P., Popescu-Pogrion N. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2011 – link

402. Structural and thermoluminescence properties of undoped and Fe-doped-TiO2 nanopowders processed by sol-gel method – Cernea M., Secu M., Secu C.E., Baibarac M., Vasile B.S. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011 – link

403. Structural characterization and photoluminescence of nanocrystalline Ho-doped BaTiO3 derived from sol-gel method – Secu M., Cernea M., Secu C.E., Vasile B.S. – Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011 – link

404. Structural investigation of P3HT-PCBM-graphene films – Veca L.M., Gavrila R., Vasile E., Purica M., Danila M. – Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2011 – link

405. Structural properties of undoped and doped with Er3+ ions ZnGa2O4 nanomaterials obtained by hydrothermal method – Vasile M., Ianasi C., Birdeanu A.V., Vasile E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2011 – link

406. Structural study of sol-gel Au/TiO2 films from nanopowders – Crisan D., Dragan N., Raileanu M., Crisan M., Ianculescu A., Luca D., Nastuta A., Mardare D. – Applied Surface Science, 2011 – link

407. Study of electrodeposition of (Bi,Sb) 2Te 3 nanowires by voltammetric methods and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy – Sima M., Vasile E., Sima M. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2011 – link

408. Study of microstructure and elemental micro-composition of ZnO:Al thin films by scanning and high resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy – Vasile E., Plugaru R., Mihaiu S., Toader A. – Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2011 – link

409. Substrate-target distance dependence of structural and optical properties in case of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 films obtained by pulsed laser deposition – Galca A.C., Stancu V., Husanu M.A., Dragoi C., Gheorghe N.G., Trupina L., Enculescu M., Vasile E. – Applied Surface Science, 2011 – link

410. Synthesis and characterization of alumina nano-powder obtained by sol-gel method – Rogojan R., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C., Stefan Vasile B. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2011 – link

411. Synthesis and characterization of calcia stabilized zirconia nano-powder, obtained by sol – gel method [Sinteza şi caracterizarea nano-pulberii de zirconǎ stabilizatǎ cu oxid de calciu, obţinutǎ prin metoda sol – gel] – Rogojan R., Andronescu E., Iliescu I., Trusca R., Vasile B.S. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

412. Synthesis and characterization of Congo red adsorbed onto titanium dioxide-iron composite – Luntraru V.I., Ghindeanu L., Vasile E., Nechifor A.C. – Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2011 – link

413. Synthesis and characterization of magnetite-titanium dioxide-4-Benzene-azo-α-naphthylamine and methylene blue composites – Luntraru V.I., Gales O., Iarca L., Vasile E., Voicu S.I., Nechifor A.C. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2011 – link

414. Synthesis and characterization of some new Cu, Ni and Zn complexes with a potential MMPs inhibitor – Oprea O., Jitaru I., Stanescu M., Alexandrescu L., Covaliu C., Stanica N. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

415. Synthesis and characterization of the Cuo/Ceo2 mixture resulted from chemical precipitation in view of using it as an anode for SOFC-IT [Sinteza şi caracterizarea amestecului Cuo/Ceo2 obţinut prin precipitare chimicǎ în vederea utilizǎrii ca anod pentru SOFC-IT] – Velciu G., Melinescu A., Storch P., Marinescu V. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

416. Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanopowder by non-basic route – Oprea O., Andronescu E., Vasile B.S., Voicu G., Covaliu C. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

417. Synthesis and studies on the structural and Electrical properties of Sr doped lanthanum manganites – Covaliu C.I., Malaeru T., Georgescu G., Oprea O., Alexandrescu L., Jitaru I. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

418. Synthesis of rod-like magnetite by using low magnetic field – Ficai D., Ficai A., Vasile B.S., Ficai M., Oprea O., Guran C., Andronescu E. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

419. Synthesis, characterization, solution stability and biorelevant studies of cobalt (II)-2-Deoxy-D-Glucose complex compound – Covaliu C.I., Oprea O., Jitaru I. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

420. Synthesis, mechanical and structural properties and biological activity of some nanostructured bone scaffolds – Vasilescu C., Calderon Moreno J.M., Cimpean A., Cojocaru D., Cinca I., Andronescu E., Grigore F., Galateanu B., Drob S.I. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

421. Temperature dependence of tunability of Ba(SnxTi 1-x)O3 ceramics – Curecheriu L.P., Ianculescu A.C., Horchidan N., Stoleriu S., Tudorache F., Tascu S., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2011 – link

422. The effect of BMP-4 loaded in 3D collagen-hyaluronic acid scaffolds on biocompatibility assessed with MG 63 osteoblast-like cells – Lungu A., Titorencu I., Albu M.G., Florea N.M., Vasile E., Iovu H., Jinga V., Simionescu M. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

423. The influence of fuel selection on some thermo-technological parameters of the rotary kiln – Radu D., Ghizdavet Z., David A. – Revista de Chimie, 2011 – link

424. The influence of glycosaminoglycan type on the collagen-glycosaminoglycan porous scaffolds – Lungu A., Albu M.G., Florea N.M., Stancu I.C., Vasile E., Iovu H. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2011 – link

425. The influence of POSS substituent on synthesis and properties of hybrid materials based on urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA) and various polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) – Lungu A., Sulca N.M., Vasile E., Badea N., Parvu C., Iovu H. – Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011 – link

426. The influence of ultrasonication on the formation of COLL/HA composite materials – Ficai M., Nedelcu I.-A., Ficai D., Vasile B.S., Ficai A., Andronescu E. – Materiale Plastice, 2011 – link

427. The study of the electric and magnetic properties of PbZr 0.2Ti0.8O3-BiFeO3 multilayers – Stancu V., Dragoi C., Kuncser V., Schinteie G., Trupina L., Vasile E., Pintilie L. – Thin Solid Films, 2011 – link

428. Ultrasonic-assisted synthesis and magnetic studies of iron oxide/MCM-41 nanocomposite – Ursachi I., Vasile A., Ianculescu A., Vasile E., Stancu A. – Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011 – link

429. Vitreous glazes with basaltic fiber waste [Glazuri vitroase cu deşeuri de fibre bazaltice] – Dima V., Eftimie M., Volceanov A., Ionescu M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2011 – link

430. A new ZnO photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cell – Sima M., Secu M., Sima M., Vasile E. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2010 – link

431. About the complex relation between short-circuit photocurrent, imprint and polarization in ferroelectric thin films – Pintilie L., Stancu V., Vasile E., Pintilie I. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2010 – link

432. Biocompatibility studies of iron-oxide-dextrin thin films – Andronescu E., Costache M., Ciobanu C.S., Prodan A.M., Predoi D. – Revista de Chimie, 2010 – link

433. Biomimetically synthesis of collagen / hydroxyapatite composite materials – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Voicu G., Albu M.G., Ilie A. – Materiale Plastice, 2010 – link

434. Characterization of BaMg1/3(Ta1-xNbx)2/3O3 ceramics obtained by a modified Pechini method – Jinga C., Berger D., Matei C., Jinga S., Andronescu E. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010 – link

435. Characterization of BaMg1/3(Ta1-xVx) 1/2O3 (x = 0.1, 0.2) ceramics prepared by modified Pechini method – Jinga C., Andronescu E., Berger D., Matei C., Jinga S. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2010 – link

436. Characterization of composite materials based on biocellulose membranes impregnated with silver particles as antimicrobial agent – Dobre L.-M., Stoica A., Stroescu M., Jinga S., Jipa I., Dobre T. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2010 – link

437. Collagen/hydroxyapatite composite obtained by electric field orientation – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Trandafir V., Ghitulica C., Voicu G. – Materials Letters, 2010 – link

438. Comparative tem study of dental tissue hydroxyapatite with chemically obtained apatite – Stefanov C., Caraiane A., Ciupina V., Prodan G., Zamfirescu S., Prodan M., Stanescu I., Vasile E. – Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2010 – link

439. Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells onto highly adherent radio frequency-sputtered carbonated hydroxylapatite thin films – Sima L.E., Stan G.E., Morosanu C.O., Melinescu A., Ianculescu A., Melinte R., Neamtu J., Petrescu S.M. – Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part A, 2010 – link

440. Electrical investigations of holmium-doped BaTiO3 derived from sol-gel combustion – Cerneaa M., Galassi C., Vasile B.S., Ganea P., Radu R., Ghita G. – Journal of Materials Research, 2010 – link

441. Electrochemical evaluation of the stability of ceramic nanostructured titanium oxide layers in Ringer solution – Roman I., Fratila C., Vasile E., Petre A., Soare M.-L. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010 – link

442. Expansive binders in the Portland cement – Calcium aluminate cement – Calcium sulfate system – Puri A., Voicu G., Badanoiu A. – Revista de Chimie, 2010 – link

443. Fe2O3@BaTiO3 core-shell particles as reactive precursors for the preparation of multifunctional composites containing different magnetic phases – Buscaglia M.T., Buscaglia V., Curecheriu L., Postolache P., Mitoseriu L., Ianculescu A.C., Vasile B.S., Zhe Z., Nanni P. – Chemistry of Materials, 2010 – link

444. First stages of bioactivity of glass-ceramics thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering technique – Berbecaru C., Alexandru H.V., Stan G.E., Marcov D.A., Pasuk I., Ianculescu A. – Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 2010 – link

445. Freeze-thaw resistance of mortars based on portland cement with slag, volcanic tuff and limestone filler additions [Rezistenţa la îngheţ-dezgheţ a unor mortare pe bazǎ de ciment Portland cu zgurǎ tuf vulcanic şi filer calcaros] – Badanoiu A., Voicu G. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

446. From conventional to fast sintering of zirconia toughened alumina nanocomposites – Volceanov E., Aldica G.V., Volceanov A., Constantinescu D.M., Motoc S. – Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 2010 – link

447. Functional properties of BaTiO3 – Ni0.5Zn 0.5Fe2O4 magnetoelectric ceramics prepared from powders with core-shell structure – Curecheriu L.P., Buscaglia M.T., Buscaglia V., Mitoseriu L., Postolache P., Ianculescu A., Nanni P. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2010 – link

448. Green synthetic strategies of oxide materials: Polysaccharides-assisted synthesis: Part II. Starch-assisted synthesis of nanosized metal-oxides – Visinescu D., Tirsoaga A., Patrinoiu G., Tudose M., Paraschiv C., Ianculescu A., Carp O. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2010 – link

449. Growth mechanism and properties of YBa2Cu3O7-αthin films deposited by laser ablation on (001) SrTiO3 [Mecanism de creştere şi proprietǎţi ale filmelor subţiri de YBa2Cu3O7-αdepuse prin ablaţie laser PE (001) SrTiO3] – Leca V., Neagu D., Stefan E., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

450. Immobilization of lead ions in solutions by precipitation with calcium hydroxyapatite [Imobilizarea ionilor de plumb din soluţii prin precipitare cu hidroxiapatitǎ calcicǎ] – Melinescu A., Rizea-Orbeci C., Preda M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

451. In vitro assay of the antimicrobial activity of Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4/oleic acid – core/shell on clinical isolates of bacterial and fungal strains – Grumezescu A.M., Mihaiescu D.E., Mogosanu D.E., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazr V., Clugrescu I., Tristaru V. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2010 – link

452. Increased bioactivity of cranio-spinal implants functionalized with hydroxyapatite nanostructured coatings: Morpho-structural characterization and in-vitro evaluation – Duta L., Socol G., Sima F., Mihailescu I.N., Stan G.E., Marcov D.A., Sima L.E., Petrescu S.M., Melinescu A., Ianculescu A., Chiriac A., Poeata I. – Proceedings – 2nd Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Quality of Life, ATEQUAL 2010, 2010 – link

453. Influence of freeze-drying process on porosity and kinetics release of collagen-doxycycline matrices – Albu M.G., Ghica M.V., Ficai A., Titorencu I., Popa L. – Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, ICAMS 2010, 2010 – link

454. Influence of ultrasounds on the aragonite synthesis – Chilibon I., Mateescu C., Isopescu R., Mihai M., Dumitrescu O. – 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2010, ICSV 2010, 2010 – link

455. Knowledge discovery in industrial datasets: Application. Part I – Analysis [Cunoştinţe din date industriale: Aplicaţie. partea i -analiza] – Ghizdavet Z. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

456. Li2O·2SiO2 glass structure simulation using molecular dynamics simulation – Rotiu E., Radua D., Mazilu C., Eftimie M., Stroiescu H. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010 – link

457. Looking for new synthesis of hydroxyapatite doped with europium – Ciobanu C.S., Andronescu E., Vasile B.S., Valsangiacom C.M., Ghita R.V., Predoi D. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2010 – link

458. Methodology of in vitro characterization of human uroliths – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Voicu G., Pall S. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2010 – link

459. Micro- and nanosensors, recent developments and features: A minireview – Stefan-van Staden R.-I., van Staden J.F., Balasoiu S.-C., Vasile O.-R. – Analytical Letters, 2010 – link

460. Model of complex energy and environmental analysis of processes from glass industry [Model de analizǎ complexǎ: energeticǎ şi ecologicǎ, a proceselor tehnologice din industria sticlei] – Patrascu R., Darie G., Volceanov A., Sava B.A., Elisa M., Stanculea A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

461. Mollusc shell/collagen composite as potential biomaterial for bone substitutes [Compozite colagen/cochilie de moluscǎ potenţiale biomateriale pentru substituţia osoasǎ] – Ficai M., Andronescu E., Voicu G., Ficai D., Albu M.G., Ficai A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

462. Morphological and microstructural characterization of some petroleum cokes as potential anode materials in lithium ion batteries – Carazeanu Popovici I., Birghila S., Voicu G., Ionescu V., Ciupina V., Prodan G. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010 – link

463. Multifunctional pamam-surface nanostructured particles organized in multimeric clusters. potential smart delivery vehicles of bioactive species through a high selective amine-thiol bioconjugation strategy – Stancu I.C., Lungu A., Rusen E., Mocanu A., Iordache P.Z., Dragusin D.M., Cotrut C., Vasile E., Iovu H. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2010 – link

464. New complex compounds of Fe(III) and Cu(II) – With phenothiazines derivatives – Antonescu S., Bacu E., Stanica N., Oprea O., Guran C. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2010 – link

465. On the bioactivity of adherent bioglass thin films synthesized by magnetron sputtering techniques – Stan G.E., Popescu A.C., Mihailescu I.N., Marcov D.A., Mustata R.C., Sima L.E., Petrescu S.M., Ianculescu A., Trusca R., Morosanu C.O. – Thin Solid Films, 2010 – link

466. On the electrical conductivity in Al:ZnO layers; Experimental investigation and a theoretical approach – Plugaru R., Plugaru N., Mihaiu S., Vasile E. – Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2010 – link

467. Optimal design of the chemical composition for glass fibers with low biopersistence Part I. Technological approach and selection of the interest properties [Proiectarea optimalǎ a compoziţiei chimice pentru fibre de sticlǎ cu biopersistenţǎ redusǎ Partea I. Abordarea tehnologicǎ şi selectarea proprietǎţilor de interes] – Radu D., Dima V., Eftimie M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

468. Organocyclophosphazenes / silica hybrid materials I. Synthesis and characterization of siloxane monomers and of cyclophosphazene / SiO2 composites – Manzu D., Dumitru F., Ficai A., Razvan A., Guran C. – Materiale Plastice, 2010 – link

469. Palladium nanoparticles synthesis with controlled morphology obtained by polyol method – Berger D., Traistaru G.A., Vasile B.S., Jitaru I., Matei C. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2010 – link

470. Physico-chemical properties of iron-oxide-dextnn thin films – Ciobanu C.S., Andronescu E., Pall L., Iconaru S.L., Gyorgy E., Predoi D. – Revista de Chimie, 2010 – link

471. Polysulfone based membranes with desired pores characteristics – Denisa F., Ficai A., Voicu G., Vasile B.S., Guran C., Andronescu E. – Materiale Plastice, 2010 – link

472. Porous La0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Co 0.2O3-δ – Based cathode materials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, deposited by screen-printing method – Berger D., Matei C., Stoleriu S. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2010 – link

473. Preliminary biocompatibility studies of hydroxyapatite coated iron oxide [Studii preliminare de biocompatibilitate a oxidului de fier acoperit cu hidroxiapatitǎ] – Andronescu E., Ciobanu C.S., Pall L., Costache M., Predoi D. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

474. Preparation and characterization of collagen matrices obtained at different freezing temperatures [Prepararea şi caracterizarea matricilor de colagen obţinute la diferite temperaturi de îngheţare] – Albu M.G., Ficai A., Lungu A. – Leather and Footwear Journal, 2010 – link

475. Preparation and characterization of Copper/Nikel nanostructurated multilayers using thermionic vacuum Arc method – Ilie D., Rasleanu D., Ionescu V., Mocanu V., Muresan M.G., Oancea-Stanescu I.M., Ciupina V., Prodan G., Vasile E., Mustata I., Zaroschi V., Lungu C.P. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010 – link

476. Preparation and properties of (1-x)BiFeO3-xBaTiO3 multiferroic ceramics – Gheorghiu F.P., Ianculescu A., Postolache P., Lupu N., Dobromir M., Luca D., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010 – link

477. Preparation by citrate combustion and characterization of complex oxides Ca2- XlaxMnMoO6 – Perianu E.-A., Gorodea I.A., Prihor F., Mitoseriu U., Ianculescu A.C., Ralucaiordan’ A., Palamaru’ M.N. – Revista de Chimie, 2010 – link

478. Properties of BaTiO3 thin films grown by laser ablation [Proprietǎţile filmelor subtiri de BaTiO3 obţinute prin ablaţie laser] – Leca V., Andronescu E. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

479. Radical scavenger properties of oxide nanoparticles stabilized with biopolymer matrix – Covaliu C.I., Matei C., Litescu S., Eremia S.A.-M., Stanica N., Diamandescu L., Ianculescu A., Jitaru I., Berger D. – Materiale Plastice, 2010 – link

480. Raman investigation and functional characterization of (Pb 0.8La0.2)(Mg0.4Nb0.6)O3 ceramics prepared by the columbite method – Ianculescu A., Carnasciali M.M., Curecheriu L.P., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010 – link

481. Self-assembled collagen/hydroxyapatite composite materials – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Voicu G., Ghitulica C., Vasile B.S., Ficai D., Trandafir V. – Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010 – link

482. Semiconductor hybrid structure: Nanowires embedded in a matrix from the same material – Sima M., Vasile E., Sima M., Matei E. – ECS Transactions, 2010 – link

483. Soft chemical methods integration with micro fabrication in developing new scaffolds for tissue engineering – Piticescu R.M., Buruiana T., Plesu N., Vasile E., Moldovan C., Fartat B., Rusti C. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2010 – link

484. Sol-gel synthesis and characterization of BaTiO3-doped (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 piezoelectric ceramics – Cernea M., Andronescu E., Radu R., Fochi F., Galassi C. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010 – link

485. Structural and morphological characterization of silicophosphate thin films containing Nd3+ ions – Elisa M., Vasiliu I.C., Sava B.A., Nastase F., Nastase C., Volceanov A., Dima V., Stoleriu S., Eftimie M. – Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B, 2010 – link

486. Structural and thermal characterization of SiO2-P2O5 sol-gel powders upon annealing at high temperatures – Elisa M., Sava B.A., Volceanov A., Monteiro R.C.C., Alves E., Franco N., Costa Oliveira F.A., Fernandes H., Ferro M.C. – Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2010 – link

487. Structural characterization of MgO-Co multilayers prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method – Marin I., Ciupina V., Oancea-Stanescu I.M., Vasile E., Ungureanu G.D., Prodan G. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2010 – link

488. Structural investigations of scandia – doped zirconia nanopowders obtained by sol-gel method – Vasile B.S., Andronescu E., Florea D., Ghitulica C. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2010 – link

489. Surface properties of 316L austenitic steel improved by simultaneous diffusion of titanium and aluminium – Britchi M., Ene N., Olteanu M., Vasile E., Nita P., Alexandrescu E. – Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2010 – link

490. Synthesis and characterization of bio-compatible maghemite nanoparticles – Predoi D., Andronescu E., Radu M., Munteanu M.C., Dinischiotu A. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2010 – link

491. Synthesis and characterization of collagen/hydroxyapatite: Magnetite composite material for bone cancer treatment – Andronescu E., Ficai M., Voicu G., Ficai D., Maganu M., Ficai A. – Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2010 – link

492. Synthesis and characterization of COLL-PVA/HA hybrid materials with stratified morphology – Ficai M., Andronescu E., Ficai D., Voicu G., Ficai A. – Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2010 – link

493. Synthesis and characterization of composites from layered silicates and homo- and copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and P-chloromethyl styrene obtained by in situ radical (Co)polymerization – Stanciu N.D., Jerca V.V., Vuluga D.M., Stanescu P., Ficai A., Teodorescu M. – Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2010 – link

494. Synthesis and characterization of doped Ba(Mg1/3Ta 2/3)O3 ceramics – Jinga C., Andronescu E., Jinga S., Ioachim A., Nedelcu L., Toacsan M.I. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010 – link

495. Synthesis and characterization of new matrix metalloproteinases inhibitors – Oprea O., Jitaru I., Stanescu M.D., Alexandrescu L., Covaliu C., Albota F. – Revista de Chimie, 2010 – link

496. Synthesis and characterization of some carbon based nanostructures – Ciupina V., Morjan I.G., Alexandrescu R., Dumitrache F.V., Prodan G., Lungu C., Vladoiu R., Mustata I., Zarovschi V., Sullivan J., Saied S., Vasile E., Oancea-Stanescu I., Prodan M., Manole D., Mandes A., Dinca V., Contulov M. – Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010 – link

497. Synthesis and characterization of the new hybrid composite membranes based on the organo-substituted phosphazene and sio2 network [Sinteza şi caracterizarea unor noi membrane compozite hibride pe bazǎ de fosfazenǎ organo-substituitǎ şi reţea de sio2] – Manzu D., Pasare L., Rata D., Albu B.G., Ficai A., Guran C. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

498. Synthesis of BaTiO3 by soft chemistry routes – Ianculescu A., Berger D., Matei C., Budrugeac P., Mitoseriu L., Vasile E. – Journal of Electroceramics, 2010 – link

499. Synthesis of ceria-based ceramics by combustion technique – Matei C., Berger D., Stoleriu S., Neagu D., Stefan E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010 – link

500. Synthesis of La1-xSrxMO3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) nanopowders by alanine-combustion technique – Berger D., Matei C., Voicu G., Bobaru A. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2010 – link

501. Synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour of complexes compounds derived from Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) and isonicotinoyl hydrazone-2-indoline – Kriza A., Ignat I., Oprea O., Stanica N. – Revista de Chimie, 2010 – link

502. The anti-bacterial activity of magnetic nanofluid: Fe3O4 /oleic acid/cephalosporins core/shell/adsorption-shell proved on S. Aureus and E. Coli and possible applications as drug delivery systems – Buteica A.S., Mihaiescu D.E., Grumezescu A.M., Vasile B.S., Popescu A., Mihaiescu O.M., Cristescu R. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2010 – link

503. The behaviour of some blended cements containing limestone filer exposed into MgCl2 solution [Comportarea unor lianţi cu conţinut de filer calcaros în soluţie de MgCl2] – Georgescu M., Saca N., Voicu G. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

504. The characterisation of some alumina-zircon aqueous suspensions [Caracterizarea unor suspensii apoase din aluminǎ-zircon] – Spataru M., Dumitrescu O. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

505. The cytotoxicity of (non)magnetic nanoparticles tested on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus Aureus – Buteica A.S., Mihaiescu D.E., Grumezescu A.M., Vasile B.S., Popescu A., Calina D., Mihaiescu O.M. – Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2010 – link

506. The distribution of structural entities at sub-nanometric scale in the Na2O-SiO2 system – Radu D., Dumitrescu O. – Revista de Chimie, 2010 – link

507. The environmentally benign synthesis of nanosized CoxZn1-xAl2O4 blue pigments – Visinescu D., Paraschiv C., Ianculescu A., Jurca B., Vasile B., Carp O. – Dyes and Pigments, 2010 – link

508. The influence of collagen support and ionic species on the morphology of collagen/hydroxyapatite composite materials – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Voicu G., Ghitulica C., Ficai D. – Materials Characterization, 2010 – link

509. The influence of some new montmorillonite modifier agents on the epoxy-montmorillonite nanocomposites structure – Garea S.-A., Iovu H., Voicu G. – Applied Clay Science, 2010 – link

510. The influence of some thermo-technical parameters on the flow and chemical composition of the hot gases exhausted from the clinkering plants [Influenţa unor parametri termotehnici asupra debitului şi compoziţiei gazelor calde evacuate din instalaţiile de clincherizare] – Radu D., David A., Ghizdavet Z. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2010 – link

511. The Influence of synthesis parameters on feo(oh)/fe2o 3 formation by hydrothermal techniques – Popescu M., Piticescu R., Vasile E., Taloi D., Petriceanu M., Stoiciu M., Badilita V. – Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung – Section B Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2010 – link

512. The influence of the organic substituents from the polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) cage on the epoxy-POSS hybrid materials properties – Constantin F., Garea S.A., Voicu G., Iovu H. – High Performance Polymers, 2010 – link

513. The role of doping on the structural and functional properties of BiFe 1-xMnxO3 magnetoelectric ceramics – Ianculescu A., Gheorghiu F.P., Postolache P., Oprea O., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010 – link

514. Thermionic vacuum Arc deposited Cu and Co nanostructured multilayers: Synthesis and characterization – Rasleanu D., Ilie D., Ionescu V., Mocanu V., Muresan M.G., Oancea-Stanescu I.M., Ciupina V., Prodan G., Vasile E., Mustata I., Zaroschi V., Lungu C.P. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010 – link

515. Tunability properties in the paraelectric state of the Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 ceramics – Curecheriu L.P., Ianculescu A., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2010 – link

516. Yttria totally stabilized zirconia nanoparticles obtained through the pyrosol method – Vasile B.S., Vasile O.R., Ghitulica C., Andronescu E., Dobranis R., Dinu E., Trusca R. – Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 2010 – link

517. ZnO: Mn submicron wires prepared by electrochemical synthesis – Sima M., Visan T., Vasile E. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2010 – link

518. Achievement and evaluation of some ceramic nanostructured titanium oxide-layers – Roman I., Fratila C., Vasile E., Petre A., Soare M.-L. – Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 2009 – link

519. Advanced characterization of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes used for nanocomposites synthesis – Sulca N.M., Lungu A., Voicu G., Garea S.A., Iovu H. – Materiale Plastice, 2009 – link

520. Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 Ceramics for microwave and millimeter-wave applications – Alexandru H.V., Ioachim A., Toacsan M.I., Nedelcu L., Banciu M.G., Berbecaru C., Voicu G., Jinga S., Andronescu E. – Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009 – link

521. Bioactive ceramic glasses „in situ” synthesized by laser melting – Taca M., Vasile E., Boroica L., Udrea M., Medianu R., Munteanu M.C. – Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009 – link

522. Bioglass thin films for biomimetic implants – Berbecaru C., Alexandru H.V., Ianculescu A., Popescu A., Socol G., Sima F., Mihailescu I. – Applied Surface Science, 2009 – link

523. Calcia baria aluminous refractory cements. synthesis reaction kinetics [Cimenturi aluminoase refractare calcobarice. cinetica reacţiilor de sintezǎ] – Teoreanu I., Amareanu M., Stoleriu S., Dinescu G. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

524. Cerium oxide sintering using strontium oxide as additive [Sinterizarea dioxidului de ceriu folosind oxidul de stronţiu ca aditiv] – Preda M., Melinescu A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

525. Characterizations of the β-TCP suspensions – Grigore F., Andronescu E., Gavriliu S., Lungu M., Tardei C. – Revista de Chimie, 2009 – link

526. Clinkers and cements obtained by using alternative fuels [Clinchere si cimenturi obtinute prin folosirea la ardere a combustibililor alternativi] – Georgescu M., Voicu G., Stoica C. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

527. Colagen / hydroxyapatite interactions in composite biomaterials – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C., Voicu G., Trandafir V., Manzu D., Ficai M., Pall S. – Materiale Plastice, 2009 – link

528. Controlled manufacturing of nanoparticles by the laser pyrolysis: Application to cementite iron carbide – Morjan I., Alexandrescu R., Scarisoreanu M., Fleaca C., Dumitrache F., Soare I., Popovici E., Gavrila L., Vasile E., Ciupina V., Popa N.C. – Applied Surface Science, 2009 – link

529. Correlations basicity-deformation properties in borosilicate vitreous systems – Mazilu C., Eftimie M., Radu D. – Revista de Chimie, 2009 – link

530. Distribution of nature of chemical bonds in crystalline and vitreous oxides [Distribuţia naturii legǎturilor chimice în oxizii cristalini şi vitroşi] – Volceanov A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

531. Electrochemically deposited thermoelectric Bi2(Se, Te)3 nanowires – Sima M., Vasile E., Sima M. – Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2009 – link

532. Evaluation of the effect of some mineral additions on the burnability of raw mix in cement production – Badanoiu A., Paceagiu J., Voicu G. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2009 – link

533. Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4 nanoparticles stabilized in sodium alginate polymer – Covaliu C.I., Matei C., Ianculescu A., Jitaru I., Berger D. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2009 – link

534. Fluorosilicate glass-ceramics with rare earths for 3D optical data storage media [Vitroceramici fluorosilicatice cu pǎmânturi rare pentru stocarea opticǎ 3D a informaţiei] – Jinga S., Andronescu E., Jinga C., Ionescu L., Mazilu C., Pavel E., Hodorogea S. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

535. Functional properties of the (1-x)BiFeO3 – xBaTiO3 solid solutions – Prihor F., Ianculescu A., Mitoseriu L., Postolache P., Curecheriu L., Dragan N., Crisan D. – Ferroelectrics, 2009 – link

536. Gibbs free energy – basicity correlations in binary crystalline and vitreous systems [Corelaţii energie liberǎ gibbs – bazicitate, în sistemele binare cristaline şi vitroase] – Dumitrescu O., Radu D. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

537. Glasses obtained with vitreous wastes and sludges with nickel [Sticle realizate cu deşeuri vitroase şi nǎmoluri cu nichel] – Dumitrescu O., Dima V., Eftimie M., Radu D., Diaconu A., Ursu L.D. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

538. Granular activated charcoal [Carbune granular activat] – Burghelea V., Murariu F., Voicu G., Cristea C., Nan A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

539. High temperature thermodynamic data of multiferroic ceramics based on BiFeO3 – BaTiO3 solid solutions – Tanasescu S., Marinescu C., Sofronia A., Ianculescu A. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2009 – link

540. Implications of basicity on thermodynamic properties of silica-alkali Vitreous systems – Dumitrescu O., Radu D. – Revista de Chimie, 2009 – link

541. In situ preparation of CoFe2O4-Pb(ZrTi)O3 multiferroic composites by gel-combustion technique – Iordan A.R., Airimioaiei M., Palamaru M.N., Galassi C., Sandu A.V., Ciomaga C.E., Prihor F., Mitoseriu L., Ianculescu A. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2009 – link

542. Layer by layer deposition of hydroxyapatite onto the collagen matrix – Ficai A., Andronescu E., Voicu G., Manzu D., Ficai M. – Materials Science and Engineering C, 2009 – link

543. Maleic anhydride copolymers with ability to bind metal ions: II. Aromatic amine derivates from removal of Cr (III) ions – Albu A.M., Mocioi M., Mateescu C.D., Voicu G., Stanciu D.N. – Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, 2009 – link

544. Mechanisms of reactions to CeO2 sintering using Mn2O3 and CaO as additives [Mecanisme de reacţie la sinterizarea CeO2 utilizând ca aditivi Mn2O3 şi CaO] – Preda M., Melinescu A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

545. New potential monoamine oxidase inhibitors – Stanescu M.D., Alexandrescu L., Oprea O., Peres S., Jitaru I. – Revista de Chimie, 2009 – link

546. Nonlinear dielectric properties of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 ceramics – Curecheriu L.P., Mitoseriu L., Ianculescu A. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009 – link

547. Optical and structural investigations on rare earth-doped thin films of phosphate glasses prepared by pulsed laser deposition – Vasiliu C., Epurescu G., Niciu H., Dumitrescu O., Negrila C., Elisa M., Filipescu M., Dinescu M., Grigorescu C.E.A. – Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2009 – link

548. Preparation, structural and magnetic properties of Mn-doped La 0.1Bi0.9FeO3 ceramics – Ianculescu A., Prihor F., Postolache P., Mitoseriu L., Dragan N., Crisan D. – Ferroelectrics, 2009 – link

549. Pulsed-laser deposition of smooth thin films of Er, Pr and Nd doped glasses – Epurescu G., Vlad A., Bodea M.A., Vasiliu C., Dumitrescu O., Niciu H., Elisa M., Siraj K., Pedarnig J.D., Bauerle D., Filipescu M., Nedelcea A., Galca A.C., Grigorescu C.E.A., Dinescu M. – Applied Surface Science, 2009 – link

550. Silica-alkali crystalline systems: The influence of basicity on some thermodynamic properties [Systèmes cristallins silico-alcalins: l’influence de la basicité sur certaines propriétés thermodynamiques:silica- alkali crystalline systems: The influence of basicity on some thermodynamic properties] – Dumitrescu O., Radu D. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2009 – link

551. Sol-gel doped TiO2 nanomaterials: A comparative study – Raileanu M., Crisan M., Dragan N., Crisan D., Galtayries A., Braileanu A., Ianculescu A., Teodorescu V.S., Nitoi I., Anastasescu M. – Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2009 – link

552. Special ceramic material based on basaltic-andesite for extreme environments – Albert E., Muntean M., Ianculescu A., Miculescu F., Albert B. – Advanced Materials Research, 2009 – link

553. Structural and optical properties of sol-gel derived hydroxyapatite films in different stages of crystallization and densification processes – Tionica S., Gartner M., Ianculescu A., Anastasescu M., Slav A., Pasuk I., Stoica T., Zaharescu M. – Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 2009 – link

554. Structural, morphological and textural modifications of ZnO-TiO2 HTGD based sorbents induced by Al2O3 addition, thermal treatment and sulfurizing process – Untea I., Dancila M., Vasile E., Belcu M. – Powder Technology, 2009 – link

555. Studies on thermal decomposition of μi-oxo trinuclear mixed valence complexes – Alexandria M.-G., Jitaru I., Oprea O., Alexandrescu L. – Revista de Chimie, 2009 – link

556. Study of the structural properties and hydridation of the Gd 0.5Y0.5Ni3.75Al0.25Mg compound deriving from Laves phases [Étude des proprietes structurales et d’hydruration du composé Gd0, 5Y0, 5Ni3, 75Al0, 25Mg dérivant des phases de laves] – Stan C., Andronescu E., Couillaud S., Bobet J.L. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2009 – link

557. Submicron wires with nanosized grain structure – Sima M., Ion L., Antohe S., Vasile E. – Superlattices and Microstructures, 2009 – link

558. Synthesis and characterization of a hydroxyapatite coated magnetite for potential cancer treatment – Covaliu C.I., Georgescu G., Jitaru I., Neamtu J., Malaeru T., Oprea O., Patroi E. – Revista de Chimie, 2009 – link

559. Synthesis and characterization of a new titanium alkoxide used in anticorrosive protection – Mandea F., Jitaru I., Oprea O., Alexandrescu L. – Revista de Chimie, 2009 – link

560. The durability of blended cements subjected to acid attack [Durabilitatea unor lianţi micşti şi de tip compozit în condiţii de coroziune acidǎ] – Badanoiu A., Voicu G., Stoleriu S. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2009 – link

561. The influence of Al/Si ratio and post melting thermal treatment on the reactivity of aluminate -silicate glasses used for dental cements preparation – Voicu G., Badanoiu A. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2009 – link

562. The study of influence of structural inhomogenities upon optical parameters of zinc sulphide optical ceramic – Onose C., Jinga S., Onose C.S., Niciu H. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2009 – link

563. Thermal behaviour of the system Fe(NO3)3 • 9H2O-Bi5O(OH)9(NO3)4 • 9H2O-glycine/urea and of their generated oxides (BiFeO 3) – Jurca B., Paraschiv C., Ianculescu A., Carp O. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2009 – link

564. Tunability properties of the Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3O3) relaxors and theoretical description – Curecheriu L.P., Mitoseriu L., Ianculescu A. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009 – link

565. 151Eu-Mössbauer spectroscopic study on ceramics beloging to ZrO2-Eu2O3-Y2O3 system – Volceanov E., Plapcianu C., Kuncser V., Volceanov A., Matovic B., Motoc S. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

566. A study of the industrial waste incorporating in glass – Ursu L.-D., Diaconu A., Sava B.A., Boroica L., Mitiu I., Rosu E., Radu D., Dinulescu M., Eftimie M. – Advanced Materials Research, 2008 – link

567. Alkali-aggregate reaction diagnosys in concrete structure. a case study-Dridu Dam [Diagnosticarea reacţiilor alcalii-agregate în structurile de beton. studiu de caz- Barajul Dridu] – Voinitchi D.C., Stematiu D., Voicu G., Andrei B. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

568. Antibacterial glazes based on tricalcium phosphate [Glazuri antibacteriene pe bazǎ de fosfat tricalcic] – Burghelea V., Bosnea L., Tudorache E., Popescu M.I., Voicu G., Cristea C. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

569. Basicity or ionicity – A new approach for understanding glass properties – Volceanov A. – Advanced Materials Research, 2008 – link

570. Basicity-Gibbs free energy relationships for binary alkali silicates – Dumitrescu O., Radu D. – Advanced Materials Research, 2008 – link

571. Bioglasses in the SiO2-CaO-P2O5 system – Birsan C., Ghitulica C., Andronescu E., Ionita C., Birsan M. – Advanced Materials Research, 2008 – link

572. Calcia baria aluminous refractory cements. synthesis reaction kinetics [Cimenturi aluminoase refractare calcobarice. cinetica reacţiilor de sintezǎ] – Teoreanu I., Amareanu M., Stoleriu S., Dinescu G. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

573. Calculation of the glaze recipe for porcelain feldspar products based on their molecular formula rationalization – Teoreanu I., Dumitrache R.L., Stoleriu S. – Revista de Chimie, 2008 – link

574. CFD simulations of gases flow in calciners – Ghizdavet Z., Volceanov A., Semenescu A. – Revista de Chimie, 2008 – link

575. Characterization by atomic force microscopy of some composites based on surface active glasses and copolymers – Tomoaia-Cotisel M., Prejmerean C., Tomoaia Gh., Mocanu A., Trif M., Badanoiu A., Buruiana T., Horovitz O., Hosu A. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

576. Comparative evaluation criteria for thermo-chemical potential of fuels. implications in the cement industry [Criterii de evaluare comparativǎ a potenţialului termo-chimic al combustibililor. implicaţii în industria cimentului] – Radu D., Ghizdavet Z., David A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

577. Composite ceramics reinforced with zirconia nanopowders – Nicola O., Ghitulica C., Andronescu E., Visan C., Vasile B.S. – Advanced Materials Research, 2008 – link

578. Crystallization study of sol-gel un-doped and Pd-doped TiO2 materials – Crisan D., Dragan N., Crisan M., Raileanu M., Braileanu A., Anastasescu M., Ianculescu A., Mardare D., Luca D., Marinescu V., Moldovan A. – Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2008 – link

579. Development of new ternary nanostructured hybrids – Piticescu R.M., Popescu L.M., Meghea A., Badilita V., Vasile E. – Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2008 – link

580. Disperse composites in the ternary elementary CeO2-ZrO2-ZrTiO4-Al2TiO5 subsystem [Compozite dispersoide în subsistemul cuaternar elementar CeO2-ZrO2-ZrTiO4-Al2TiO5] – Melinescu A., Preda M. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

581. Eco-friendly binders based on fly ash – Puri A., Badanoiu A., Voicu G. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2008 – link

582. EIS studies of electrodeposition process of manganese and copper doped ZnO wires – Sima M., Enculescu I., Vasile E., Visan T., Sima M. – Surface and Interface Analysis, 2008 – link

583. Electric field influence on collagen mineralization process – Ficai A., Trandafir V., Andronescu E. – 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008, 2008 – link

584. Fluorescent photosensitive glass ceramic for information 3D optical data storage media – Jinga S., Andronescu E., Jinga C., Ionescu L., Mazilu C., Pavel E. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

585. Fluorescent photosensitive glass-ceramics – A novel media for optical data storage – Andronescu E., Jinga S., Rotiu E., Ionescu L., Mazilu C., Pavel E., Patroi D., Davidescu M., Vulpe V. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

586. Gibbs free energy-basicity correlation in binary silica-alkali systems – Radu D., Dumitrescu O. – Revista de Chimie, 2008 – link

587. Glazes using E-glass fibers waste – Dima V., Volceanov A., Eftimie M., Petrescu A., Ionescu M., Ziman N., Volceanov E. – Advanced Materials Research, 2008 – link

588. High-voltage tunability measurements of the BaZrxTi 1-xO3 ferroelectric ceramics – Tufescu F.M., Curecheriu L., Ianculescu A., Ciomaga C.E., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

589. Hydration-hydrolysis processes in blended cements with limestone filler and fly ash content [Procese de hidratare-hidrolizǎ în cimenturi complexe, cu conţinut de calcar şi cenuşǎ] – Georgescu M., Saca N., Voicu G. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

590. In situ X-ray diffraction under H2 of the pseudo-AB2 compounds: YNi3.5Al0.5Mg – Stan C., Andronescu E., Asano K., Sakaki K., Bobet J.-L. – International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008 – link

591. In vitro testing of hydroxyapatite bioceramics [Testarea in vitro a bioceramicilor hidroxiapatitice] – Melinescu A., Preda M., Sima L.E., Petrescu S.M., Teoreanu I. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

592. Influence of zinc salts on the portland cement properties with or without slag addition – Voicu G., Georgescu M., Zahanagiu A. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2008 – link

593. Influence of ZrO2 stabilized in binary and ternary systems on ZTA composites characteristics – Motoc S., Volceanov E., Neagu R., Becherescu M., Motoc A.M., Volceanov A., Stoleriu S., Nita P. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

594. Method for glass viscosity measurements with a multi-functional device-Romanian patent [Metodǎ de mǎsurare a viscozitǎţii sticlei cu aparatul multifuncţional-brevet românesc] – Nastase R., Volceanov A. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

595. Microstructural investigation of nanocrystalline FCC metals (Pt, Pt-Fe) embeded into a porous silicon matrix – Danila M., Miu M., Ignat T., Kleps I., Simion M., Vasile E. – Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2008 – link

596. Microstructure and thermomecanical properties of fused SiO2 – SiC composites – Volceanov A., Volceanov E., Neagu R., Plapcianu C., Valsangiacom C., Nita P., Niciu H. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

597. Modelling the structure of vitreous lithium disilicate by the method of molecular dynamic [Modelarea structurii disilicatului de litiu vitros cu metoda dinamicii moleculare] – Radu D., Rotiu E., Eftimie M., Mazilu C. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

598. Nanocrystallites obtained through the pyrosol method – Dinu E., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C.D., Siebert E., Djurado E., Dessemond L. – Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 2008 – link

599. New nanocomposites based on epoxy resin and modified montmorillonite with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-amine compounds – Garea S.A., Constantin F., Voicu G., Iovu H. – Materiale Plastice, 2008 – link

600. Porous ceramics for high temperature filters – Ghitulica C., Andronescu E., Nicola O., Birsan M. – Advanced Materials Research, 2008 – link

601. Preparation and characterization of a nanostructured dental composite – Nicola O., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C., Birsan M., Dinu E. – Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 2008 – link

602. Preparation of macroporous ceramic based on beta – Ca3(PO 4)2. Preliminary results – Grigore F., Tardei Ch., Andronescu E., Lungu M., Patroi D. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

603. Properties of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 ceramics prepared by the modified-Pechini method – Ianculescu A., Berger D., Mitoseriu L., Curecheriu L.P., Dragan N., Crisan D., Vasile E. – Ferroelectrics, 2008 – link

604. Properties of blended cements with hazardous waste content – Badanoiu A., Georgescu M., Zahanagiu A. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2008 – link

605. Properties of the Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 ceramics prepared by using two different Mg precursors – Mitoseriu L., Ianculescu A., Carnasciali M.M., Braileanu A., Curecheriu L. – Ferroelectrics, 2008 – link

606. R&D and innovation policies in Romania – Andronescu E., Ghitulica C., Dinu E. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

607. Rotary clinkering kilns design part i- statistical models for clinkering kiln design [Dimensionarea cuptoarelor rotative pentru obţinerea clincherului. partea i-modele statistice de dimensionare a cuptoarelor de clincherizare] – Radu D., Ghizdavet Z. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

608. Rough bioglass films prepared by magnetron sputtering – Slav A., Ianculescu A., Morosanu C., Saranti A., Koutselas I., Agathopoulos S., Karakassides M.A. – Key Engineering Materials, 2008 – link

609. Sintered fused silica based composites – Volceanov E., Neagu R., Volceanov A., Plapcianu C., Matovic B., Niciu H., Valsangiacom C. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

610. Sintering environment influence on ternary zirconia ceramics mechanical and microstructural characteristics – Volceanov E., Volceanov A., Dragomirescu C.G., Motoc S., Stoleriu S., Becherescu M. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

611. Sol-gel S-doped TiO2 materials for environmental protection – Crisan M., Braileanu A., Raileanu M., Zaharescu M., Crisan D., Dragan N., Anastasescu M., Ianculescu A., Nitoi I., Marinescu V.E., Hodorogea S.M. – Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2008 – link

612. Stabilization of aqueous suspensions prepared from alumina and zircon powders – Spataru M., Muntean M., Dumitrescu O. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

613. Structural analysis on photopolymerized commercial dental composites – Lungu A., Ghitulica C., Garea S., Voicu G., Iovu H., Neagu C. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2008 – link

614. Structural and hydrogen absorption/desorption properties of YNi4-xAlxMg compounds (with 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5) – Stan C., Andronescu E., Predoi D., Bobet J.-L. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008 – link

615. Structural and photocatalytic properties of iron- and europium-doped TiO2 nanoparticles obtained under hydrothermal conditions – Diamandescu L., Vasiliu F., Tarabasanu-Mihaila D., Feder M., Vlaicu A.M., Teodorescu C.M., Macovei D., Enculescu I., Parvulescu V., Vasile E. – Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2008 – link

616. Studies of carbon nanostructures by TEM procedures – Oancea-Stanescu I.M., Ciupina V., Prodan G., Morjan I., Voicu I., Dumitrache F., Vasile E., Trusca R., Prodan M. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

617. Study on the recycling of borate silicate vitreous waste with capitalization of heavy metals sludge – Diaconu A., Sava B.A., Ursu L.-D., Mitiu I., Rosu E., Radu D., Dumitrescu O., Eftimie M. – Advanced Materials Research, 2008 – link

618. Sulfate resistance of binary and ternary blended cements [Rezistenta la coroziune sulfaticǎ a unor cimenturi portland mixte şi de tip compozit] – Badanoiu A., Voicu G. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

619. Super-refractory calcia baria aluminous cements. influences of the hydration processes mechanism on their binding properties [Cimenturi aluminoase calcobarice superrefractare. influenţe ale mecanismului proceselor de hidratare asupra proprietǎţilor liante ale acestora] – Teoreanu I., Amareanu M., Stoleriu S. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

620. Super-refractory calcia baria aluminous cements. kinetics of hydration [Cimenturi aluminoase superrefractare calcobarice. cinetica hidratǎrii lor] – Amareanu M., Stoleriu S., Teoreanu I. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

621. Surface organization and stability of some composites exposed to biologic medium. Atomic force microscopy observations – Prejmerean C., Tomoaia Gh., Tomoaia-Cotisel M., Mocanu A., Horovitz O., Moldovan M., Dudea D., Voicu G., Petean I. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

622. Syntheses of nanostructured silica mediated by organogelators derived from D-sorbitol – Stan R., Ott C., Rosca S., Badanoiu A., Stoleriu S., Voicu G. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2008 – link

623. Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite by microwave heating using CaSO4•2H2O and Ca(OH)2 as calcium source – Teoreanu I., Preda M., Melinescu A. – Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2008 – link

624. Synthesis and properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 for microwave and millimeter wave applications – Ioachim A., Toacsan M.I., Banciu M.G., Nedelcu L., Dutu C.A., Alexandru H.V., Antohe S., Andronescu E., Jinga S., Nita P. – Thin Solid Films, 2008 – link

625. Synthesis of Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 with sodium oxide as additive using microwave heating – Melinescu A., Preda M., Teoreanu I. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

626. Synthesis of lithium ferrites from polymetallic carboxylates – Gingasu D., Mindru I., Patron L., Stoleriu S. – Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2008 – link

627. Synthesis of nanosized bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) by a combustion method starting from Fe(NO3)3•9H2O- Bi(NO3)3•9H2O-glycine or urea systems – Paraschiv C., Jurca B., Ianculescu A., Carp O. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2008 – link

628. Synthesis of tialite-mullite materials in presence of feldspar melting – Melinescu A., Preda M., Cotiga G. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

629. Synthesis, characterization and microwave dielectric properties of doped BA(ZN1/3TA2/3)O3 ceramics – Jinga S., Andronescu E., Jinga C., Ioachim A., Toacsan M.I., Nedelcu L., Banciu M.G. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

630. Ternary bio-nanostructured systems prepared under high pressure conditions – Piticescu R.M., Trandafir V., Danciu V., Vuluga Z., Vasile E., Iordachescu D. – Key Engineering Materials, 2008 – link

631. The characterization of some dental composites with micro- and nanofiller – Lungu A., Ghitulica C., Garea S., Voicu G., Iovu H. – 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008, 2008 – link

632. The effect of limestone addition on the hydration and hardening of Portland limestone cement in correlation with its physical and mechanical properties [Efectul adaosului de calcar asupra hidratǎrii şi întǎririi cimentului Portland în corelaţie cu caracteristicile fizice şi mecanice ale acestuia] – Dumitrescu C., Menicu M., Voicu G., Popovici I. – Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials, 2008 – link

633. The effects of thermal treatments on microwave dielectric properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 ceramics – Ioachim A., Nedelcu L., Andronescu E., Jinga S., Toacsan M.I., Banciu M.G., Lorinczi A., Popescu M. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

634. Thermal behaviour study of some sol-gel TiO2 based materials – Crisan M., Braileanu A., Crisan D., Raileanu M., Dragan N., Mardare D., Teodorescu V., Ianculescu A., Birjega R., Dumitru M. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2008 – link

635. Three steps columbite method used to prepare PMN-PT [Metoda columbit în 3 trepte folositǎ pentru prepararea PMN-PT] – Moisin A.M., Dumitru A.I., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C. – Revista de Chimie, 2008 – link

636. Titania modified layered silicate for polymer/inorganic nanocomposites – Vuluga Z., Radovici C., Serban S., Potarniche C.G., Danciu V., Trandafir V., Vuluga D.M., Vasile E. – Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2008 – link

637. Tunability characteristics of BaTiO3 – Based ceramics: Modeling and experimental study – Curecheriu L.P., Tufesclt F.M., Ianculescu A., Ciomaga C.E., Mitoseriu L., Stancu A. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008 – link

638. Zirconia (Ca2+ + Mg2+) toughened alumina nanocomposites obtained by rapid sintering – Volceanov E., Plapcianu C., Fruth V., Volceanov A., Motoc S. – A Global Road Map for Ceramic Materials and Technologies: Forecasting the Future of Ceramics, International Ceramic Federation – 2nd International Congress on Ceramics, ICC 2008, Final Programme, 2008 – link

639. ZnO nanoparticles obtained by hydrothermal method at low temperature – Ciupina V., Dumbrava A., Morjan I., Prodan G., Prodan M., Dumitrache F., Vasile E. – Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2008 – link

640. Alumina based composites with possible medical applications – Birsan M., Andronescu E., Birsan C., Ghitulica C., Pall G. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

641. Annealing effects on properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta 2/3)O3 dielectric materials – Ioachim A., Toacsan M.I., Banciu M.G., Nedelcu L., Dutu C.A., Andronescu E., Jinga S. – Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2007 – link

642. Assessing properties of silicate glasses at nano level – Radu D., Eftimie M., Radu M. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2007 – link

643. Assessment on mechanical properties controlling of alumina ceramics for harsh service conditions – Volceanov E., Volceanov A., Stoleriu S. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

644. Ba(Ti1-xSnx)O3 (x=0.13) dielectric ceramics prepared by coprecipitation – Cernea M., Manea A., Piazza D., Galassi C., Vasile E. – Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

645. Characterisation of magnetic iron oxide in hydroxyapatite – Birsan M., Predoi D., Birsan C., Secu C.E., Andronescu E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

646. Characterization of fine grain Ba 0.995y 0.005TiO 3 ceramics obtained from gel-precursor nanopowder – Cernea M., Monnereau O., Llewellyn P., Vasile E. – Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007 – link

647. Dielectric properties of BZT ceramics for microwave applications – Ioachim A., Toacsan M.I., Nedelcu L., Banciu M.G., Dutu C.A., Andronescu E., Jinga S., Nita P., Alexandru H.V. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

648. Dielectric properties of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 and (Pb1-xLax)(Mg(1+x)/3Nb(2-x)/3)O3 ceramics prepared by columbite route – Ianculescu A., Braileanu A., Viviani M., Mitoseriu L. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

649. Electron microscopy characterization of iron oxide nanopowders (prepared by Laser pyrolysis) for magnetic fluid applications – Ciupina V., Prodan G., Morjan I., Dumitrache F., Alexandre Seu R., Vasile E., Vegas L., Bica D. – Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2007 – link

650. High pressure synthesis procedure to obtain nanostructured composites for regenerative medicine – Popescu L.M., Meghea A., Piticescu R.M., Vasile E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

651. Hydrolytic degradation of UDMA-based resin composite sealants – Furtos G., Stoleriu S., Prejmerean C., Prodan D., Moldovan M., Tamas C., Trif M. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

652. Hydroxyapatite-iron oxide bioceramic prepared using nano-size powders – Predoi D., Barsan M., Andronescu E., Vatasescu-Balcan R.A., Costache M. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

653. Influence of barium source on the characteristics of sol-precipitated BaTiO3 powders and related ceramics – Ianculescu A., Braileanu A., Crisan M., Budrugeac P., Dragan N., Voicu G., Crisan D., Marinescu V.E. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2007 – link

654. Influence of sintering environment on zirconia-metal carbides characteristics – Volceanov E., Motoc S., Abagiu A.T., Volceanov A., Stoleriu S. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

655. Influence of twin cations on zirconia composites stability – Volceanov E., Volceanov A., Stoleriu S., Motoc S., Melinescu A., Plapcianu C. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

656. Investigation of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 ceramics prepared from powders synthesized by the modified Pechini route – Ianculescu A., Berger D., Viviani M., Ciomaga C.E., Mitoseriu L., Vasile E., Dragan N., Crisan D. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

657. IR and thermal studies of iron oxide nanoparticles in a bioceramic matrix – Birsan C., Predoi D., Andronescu E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

658. Iron/iron oxides core-shell nanoparticles by laser pyrolysis: Structural characterization and enhanced particle dispersion – Popovici E., Dumitrache F., Morjan I., Alexandrescu R., Ciupina V., Prodan G., Vekas L., Bica D., Marinica O., Vasile E. – Applied Surface Science, 2007 – link

659. Kinetic study of the crystallization processes of some decorative ceramic glazes – Pacurariu C., Lazau R.I., Lazau I., Stoleriu S. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2007 – link

660. Lanthanum-based perovskites obtained in molten nitrates or nitrites – Matei C., Berger D., Marote P., Stoleriu S., Deloume J.P. – Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 2007 – link

661. Layer by layer deposition of redox polymers/enzyme assemblies onto electrodes surfaces for nitrate electrochemical sensing – Lupu S., Ficai A. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2007 – link

662. Limit molecular formulas and target formulas determination for feldspar porcelain glazes – Dumitrache R.L., Teoreanu I., Volceanov A. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

663. Low temperature synthesis of LaNiO3 perovskite via a dinuclear complex – Andronescu E., Bancu L., Jitaru I., Neamtu J., Malaeru T. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

664. Methods of dimensioning the clinkering installation components [Metode de dimensionare a componentelor instalaţiei de clincherizare] – Radu D., Ghizdavet Z. – Revista de Chimie, 2007 – link

665. Mixed and composite binders with additions of limestone filler, slag and volcanic tuff [Lianţi micşti şi de tip compozit cu adaosuri de filer calcaros, zgurǎ şi tuf vulcanic] – Badanoiu A., Stoleriu S., Voicu G. – Revista de Chimie, 2007 – link

666. New polymeric structures designed for the removal of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solutions – Mocioi M., Albu A.M., Mateescu C., Voicu G., Rusen E., Marculescu B., Mutihac L. – Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007 – link

667. Phase formation mechanism and characteristics of strontium barium niobate ceramics – Ianculescu A., Braileanu A., Voicu G., Stoleriu S. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

668. Preparation and characterization of BiFeO3 ceramic – Fruth V., Mitoseriu L., Berger D., Ianculescu A., Matei C., Preda S., Zaharescu M. – Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 2007 – link

669. Preparation and characterization of cordierite powders – Ghitulica C., Andronescu E., Nicola O., Dicea A., Birsan M. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

670. Pure and doped lanthanum cobaltites obtained by combustion method – Berger D., Matei C., Papa F., Voicu G., Fruth V. – Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 2007 – link

671. Semiconductor nanowires obtained by template method – Sima M., Enculescu I., Sima M., Vasile E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

672. Structural investigations on TiO2 and Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysis – Alexandrescu R., Morjan I., Scarisoreanu M., Birjega R., Popovici E., Soare I., Gavrila-Florescu L., Voicu I., Sandu I., Dumitrache F., Prodan G., Vasile E., Figgemeier E. – Thin Solid Films, 2007 – link

673. Structural investigations on yttria – Doped zirconia nanopowders obtained by sol-gel method – Vasile B.S., Ghitulica C., Popescu-Pogrion N., Constantinescu S., Mercioniu I., Stan R., Andronescu E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

674. Structure-properties correlations for barium titanate thin films obtained by rf-sputtering – Ianculescu A., Despax B., Bley V., Lebey T., Gavrila R., Dragan N. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

675. Synthesis and characterization of new nanocomposites based on epoxy resins and organophilic clays – Garea S.-A., Lovu H., Stoleriu S., Voicu G. – Polymer International, 2007 – link

676. Synthesis of lanthanum ferrite nanopowder by combustion method – Matei C., Berger D., Stoleriu S., Papa F., Fruth V. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

677. Synthesis, microstructure and dielectric properties of antimony-doped strontium titanate ceramics – Ianculescu A., Braileanu A., Voicu G. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 – link

678. The synthesis of luminescent nanoparticles from aqueous solutions – Onose C., Onose C.S., Jinga S., Elisa M., Niciu H., Grigorescu C., Vasiliu J.C. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007 – link

679. Tin nanoclusters obtained in potassium chloride by thermal annealing – Apostol E., Enculescu M., Polosan S., Vasile E., Topa V. – Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 2007 – link

680. Titanates from oxime-containing complex precursors – Jitaru I., Oprea O., Mandea F., Alexandru M.G., Stanescu M.D., Stanica N. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2007 – link

681. ZnO:Mn:Cu nanowires prepared by template method – Sima M., Enculescu L., Sima M., Enache M., Vasile E., Ansermet J.-P. – Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 2007 – link

682. Boron silicate fiber glass waste glazes for home ceramics [Glazuri cu deşeuri de sticlǎ borosilicaticǎ pentru faianţa de menaj] – Dima V., Eftimie M., Stoleriu S., Ziman N., Gorea M. – Revista de Chimie, 2006 – link

683. Characterization of concrete roof tiles obtained from complex binding mass [Caracterizarea ţiglelor din beton obţinut pe baza unor mase liante complexe] – Neamtu I., Becherescu D., Lazau I., Voicu G. – Revista de Chimie, 2006 – link

684. Composition-dependent ferroelectric properties of Ba1-xSr xTiO3 ceramics – Ianculescu A., Mitoseriu L., Berger D., Ciomaga C.E., Piazza D., Galassi C. – Phase Transitions, 2006 – link

685. Formation and properties of some antimony-doped strontium titanate ceramics – Ianculescu A., Braileanu A., Voicu G., Dragan N., Crisan D. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2006 – link

686. Growth of ZnO micro and nanowires using the template method – Sima M., Enculescu I., Vasile E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2006 – link

687. Hardening processes of binding systems free of Portland cement – Stoleriu S., Teoreanu I.O.N. – Revista de Chimie, 2006 – link

688. Hydroxiapatite – Zirconia composites for biomedical applications – Volceanov A., Volceanov E., Stoleriu S. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2006 – link

689. Influence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ as twinned ions on zirconia powder stability – Volceanov E., Volceanov A., Stoleriu S., Plapcianu C. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2006 – link

690. Low melting glasses in the system SnF2-SnCl2-PbO- P2O5 – Dima V., Balta P., Eftimie M., Ispas V. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2006 – link

691. Natural zeolites with medical applications–preliminary preparation and characterization [Zeoliţi naturali cu aplicaţii medicale. Preparare şi caracterizare preliminarǎ.] – Andronescu E., Grigore F., Tardei C., Stefan E. – Revista medico-chirurgicalǎ̌ a Societǎ̌ţii de Medici ş̧i Naturaliş̧ti din Iaş̧i, 2006 – link

692. Optical characterization and microstructure of BaTiO3 thin films obtained by RF-magnetron sputtering – Ianculescu A., Gartner M., Despax B., Bley V., Lebey Th., Gavrila R., Modreanu M. – Applied Surface Science, 2006 – link

693. Procese de hidratare şi întǎrire în sisteme liante pe bazǎ de var şi materiale hidraulic active – Badanoiu A., Georgescu M. – Revista de Chimie, 2006 – link

694. Spinelic ferrites from polynuclear compounds as precursors – Gingasu D., Mindru I., Carp O., Patron L., Stoleriu S. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2006 – link

695. Studies on PZT – Nb modified piezoceramic materials – Moisin A.M., Dumitru A.I., Andronescu E., Ghitulica C. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2006 – link

696. Synthesis, structure and properties of doped Bi2O3 – Fruth V., Ianculescu A., Berger D., Preda S., Voicu G., Tenea E., Popa M. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2006 – link

697. The effect of grain refiners for aluminium alloy containing Mn-Ti-Sr dispersoid – Vacariu V.T., Buzaianu A., Vasile E., Trusca R., Moldovan P. – Materials Science Forum, 2006 – link

698. The study of Mg2+ /Ca2+ substitution of β-tricalcium phosphate – Tardei C., Grigore F., Pasuk I., Stoleriu S. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2006 – link

699. Tialite type solid solutions formation in the MgO·Al 2O3-Fe2O3·TiO 2-Al2O3·TiO2 pseudo ternary system – Preda M., Melinescu A., Crican M., Preda S., Zaharescu M. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2006 – link

700. Alcali-aggregate reactions in mortars with andesitic and dolomitic aggregates [Réactions alcali-granulat dans des mortiers avec granulats andésitiques et dolomitiques] – Georgescu M., Voicu G., Stoleriu S., Poteras G. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2005 – link

701. Alcali-aggregate reactions in mortars with andesitic and dolomitic aggregates [Réactions alcali-granulat dans des mortiers avec granulats andésitiques et dolomitiques] – Georgescu M., Voicu G., Stoleriu S., Poteras G. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2005 – link

702. Autentificarea monedelor antice din bronz prin studiul patinei arheologice: I. Compoziţie şi structurǎ – Sandu I.G., Stoleriu S., Sandu I., Brebu M., Sandu A.V. – Revista de Chimie, 2005 – link

703. Calculul optimal al compoziţiei oxidice a clincherelor – Ghizdavet Z., Radu D. – Revista de Chimie, 2005 – link

704. Composite materials based on hydroxyapatite – Teoreanu I., Preda M., Melinescu A. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2005 – link

705. Formation and sintering ability of aluminium titanate in the presence of MgO and Fe2O3 additives – Preda M., Crisan M., Melinescu A., Preda S., Zaharescu M. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2005 – link

706. From nanopowders to micro-crystals – Sandu I., Morjan I., Voicu I., Alexandrescu R., Dumitrache F., Soare I., Fleaca M., Albu L., Scarisoreanu M., Popovici E., Vasile E. – 2005 International Conference on Physics and Control, PhysCon 2005, Proceedings, 2005 – link

707. Hydration and hardening processes in composite cements with pozzolanic materials content – Badanoiu A., Voicu G. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2005 – link

708. Hydration processes and newly formed hydrates in alkali activated slag binders – Georgescu M., Voinitchi C.D., Voicu G. – Revista de Chimie, 2005 – link

709. Morphology and shape evolution of the copper monosulfide nanocrystallites with the reaction time – Simonescu C.M., Teodorescu V.S., Brezeanu M., Melinescu A. – Revista de Chimie, 2005 – link

710. Ni(II) complexes with ligands resulted in condensation of N,N-dimethylbiguanide and pentane-2,4-dione: Synthesis, thermal behaviour and spectroscopic characterization – Olar R., Badea M., Marinescu D., Iorgulescu E., Stoleriu S. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2005 – link

711. Non Portland cements and derived materials – Teoreanu I., Volceanov A., Stoleriu S. – Cement and Concrete Composites, 2005 – link

712. Polymer-based nanocomposites – Garea S.A., Stoleriu S., Voicu G., Iovu H. – UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 2005 – link

713. Precipitation of superfine and disperse calcium carbonate under the influence of ultrasonic field and in the presence of organic additives – Mocioi M., Mateescu C.D., Albu A.M., Ghizdavet Z. – VDI Berichte, 2005 – link

714. Preparation and characterization of BiFeO3 nanopowders – Fruth V., Berger D., Matei C., Ianculescu A., Popa M., Tenea E., Zaharescu M. – Journal De Physique. IV : JP, 2005 – link

715. Processing and characterization of zirconia reinforced composite ceramic foams – Ghitulica C., Boretto G.M., Andronescu E. – Revista de Chimie, 2005 – link

716. Properties and reaction processes at the hardening of some organo-mineral cements (glass-ionomer cements) – Georgescu M., Voicu G., Puri A., Marculescu B. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2005 – link

717. Reaction processes in aluminumsilicate-phosphoric acid-water binding systems – Voicu G., Puri A., Georgescu M. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2005 – link

718. Relaţia dintre viscozitate şi ponderea bazicitǎ ţii (pB), înm sistemul ternar Na2O-B2O 3-SiO2 – Mazilu C., Radu D., Eftimie M. – Revista de Chimie, 2005 – link

719. Sinterizarea hidroxiapatitei cu adaos de oxid de magneziu – Teoreanu I., Preda M., Melinescu A. – Revista de Chimie, 2005 – link

720. Structural and electrical properties of antimony trisulftde thin films – Tigau N., Rusu G.I., Ciupina V., Prodan G., Vasile E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2005 – link

721. Synthesis of lead magnesium niobate and La-modified lead magnesium niobate using different Mg precursors – Ianculescu A., Braileanu A., Pasuk I., Popescu C. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2005 – link

722. Thermal stability of some new complex compounds with alylacetoacetate as ligand – Badea M., Olar R., Marinescu D., Vasile G., Stoleriu S. – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2005 – link

723. Thermioniv vacuum arc – New technique for high purity carbon thin film deposition – Musa G., Mustata I., Blideran M., Ciupina V., Vladoiu R., Prodan G., Vasile E., Ehrich H. – Acta Physica Slovaca, 2005 – link

724. Coordination compounds of a potential polydentate ligand 4 [1] new compounds with a β-aminoketone as ligand [2] – Stanescu M.D., Jitaru I., Oprea O., Jinga O.A. – Revista de Chimie, 2004 – link

725. Defining properties of fly ashes for their usage in silicate binder industry – Dumitru G., Stoleriu S., Teoreanu I. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

726. Development of Zirconia composite ceramics and study on their corrosion resistance up to 1600 °C – Volceanov E., Abagiu A., Becherescu M., Volceanov A., Nita P., Trusca R., Mihalache F. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

727. Development of ZrO2 / ZTA / TiC composites – Volceanov E., Motoc S., Volceanov A., Neagu R., Coman C. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

728. Diamond-like nanostructured carbon film deposition using thermionic vacuum arc – Musa G., Mustata I., Ciupina V., Vladoiu R., Prodan G., Vasile E., Ehrich H. – Diamond and Related Materials, 2004 – link

729. Facet oxidation and degradation of AlGaAs/GaAs pulsed laser diodes – Ghita R.V., Lazarescu M.F., Manea A.S., Logofatu C., Vasile E., Ciupina V. – Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004 – link

730. Feldspar porcelain with high mechanical strength – Burghelea V., Stoleriu S., Melinescu A., Petrescu S. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

731. Ferromagnetic biocomposites with improved bioactivity – Birsan M., Andronescu E., Birsan C., Ghitulica C., Stefan E. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

732. High thermal shock resistant aluminium titanate type ceramics – Volceanov E., Gurban A.M., Volceanov A., Nita P. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

733. High-Tc phase obtained in the Pb/Sb doped Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system – Fruth V., Popa M., Ianculescu A., Stir M., Preda S., Aldica G. – Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2004 – link

734. Influence of thermal annealing in air on the structural and optical properties of amorphous antimony trisulfide thin films – Tigau N., Ciupina V., Prodan G., Rusu G.I., Gheorghies C., Vasile E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2004 – link

735. Mixed phases of TiO2 nanopowders prepared by laser pyrolysis – Dumitrache F., Alexandrescu R., Morjan I., Sandu I., Soare I., Voicu I., Fleaca C.T., Ploscaru M., Savoiu M., Vasile E., Ciupina V. – Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004 – link

736. Phase formation study of la-modified lead magnesium niobate – Braileanu A., Ianculescu A., Zaharescu M., Pasuk I., Preda S., Madarasz J., Pokol G. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

737. Preparation and characterization of Ce-doped BaTiO3 thin films by pulsed laser deposition – Cernea M., Ianculescu A., Monnereau O., Argeme L., Bley V., Bastide B., Logofatu C. – Journal of Materials Science, 2004 – link

738. Preparation of alumina and cordierite based porous ceramic materials – Ghitulica C., Andronescu E., Dumitru G., Stoleriu St. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

739. Properties and reaction processes at the hardening of some aluminate-silicate-fluoride phosphate binders – Puri A., Georgescu M., Voicu G. – Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2004 – link

740. Sintered hydroxyapatite with additives – Teoreanu I., Preda M., Melinescu A. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

741. Structural characterization of polycrystalline Sb2O3 thin films prepared by thermal vacuum evaporation technique – Tigau N., Ciupina V., Prodan G., Rusu G.I., Vasile E. – Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004 – link

742. Structure and optical properties of thermally vacuum evaporated Sb 2O3 thin films – Tigau N., Ciupina V., Prodan G., Rusu G.I., Gheorghies C., Vasile E. – Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2004 – link

743. Synthesis and characterisation of cordierite – Mullite composites – Burghelea V., Tardei C., Grecu N., Melinescu A. – Key Engineering Materials, 2004 – link

744. Thermal investigation of hydration process of melted Portland cements – Flueras G., Stoleriu S., Teoreanu I. – Revista de Chimie, 2004 – link