- Abbreviation: MagneticMicroDevice
- Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4813
- Contract number: 522PED/2020
- Start: 23 October 2020
End: 21 October 2022 - Duration: 24 months
- Budget: 654.200,00 RON
- Contracting authority UEFISCDI – UEFISCDI – Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education,
Research, Development and InnovationAdress: 21-25 Mendeleev Street, District 1, Bucharest, ZIP code RO-010362
Phone: +4021.302.3850 / +4021.311.5992 - Coordinating institution: UPB-CNMN – University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest –
National Center for Micro and NanomaterialsAddress: 313 Splaiul Independenței nr. 313, Sector 6, București, România
Phone: +4021.402.9465 - Partner: NANOM-MEMS SRL
Address: 9 George Coșbuc Street, Râșnov, Brașov, Romania
Phone: +40763.342.065

Coordinator – Universitatea Politehnica din București
Professor /Project leader: Prof.dr.ing. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU
Professor / Research Member: Prof.dr.ing. Paul SVASTA
Professor /Research Member: Prof.habil.dr.ing. Anton FICAI
Professor /Research Member: Prof.Dr.ing. Ciprian IONESCU
Lecturer /Research Member: Conf.Dr.ing. Denisa FICAI
Professor /Research Member: Prof.Dr.ing. Norocel Dragos CODREANU
Senior Researcher/ Research Member: CSIII.Dr.ing. Bogdan Ștefan VASILE
Lecturer/ Research Member: Dr.ing. Mihaela PANTAZICĂ
Lecturer/ Research Member: Dr.ing. Bogdan MIHĂILESCU
Post-doctorand/ postdoctoral research member : Dr.ing. Angela SPOIALĂ
University Assistant/ Research Member: Ș.L.Dr.ing. Adrian Vasile SURDU
PhD Student / Doctoral Research Member : Drg.ing. Georgiana DOLETE
PhD Student / Doctoral Research Member: Drg.ing. Alexa Maria CROITORU
PhD Student / Doctoral Research Member: Drg.ing. Alexandra Cătălina BÎRCĂ
Tehnician/ Research Member: Ing. Teodor MIHĂILESCU
Tehnician treapta I/ Research Member: Ing. Delia Georgeta LEPĂDATU
Partener (P1) – NANOM MEMS SRL
Senior researcher/ Person in charge from Partner: Dr.ing. Marin GHEORGHE
Researcher/ Research Member: Dr.Ing. Simona GHEORGHE
The project involves the development of an experimental model of electromagnetically actuated micropumps for applications in the field of microfluidics. The work plan proposed in this project is focused on the formulation of magnetic pastes / inks for screen-printing technology, so that these separate components could be integrated in the fabrication of micropumps for further exploitations in BioMEMS devices. In order to reach the project scope, five specific objectives (SO) were considered:
SO1. To obtain a composite material with exceptional magnetic responsive features mainly characterized by a structural homogeneity.
SO2. Establishing the relevant characteristics of magnetic ink/paste that can satisfy the requirements of the deposition technology.
SO3. Laboratory validation of a technology which aims to obtain a magnetic ink/paste to be used as coatings for BioMEMS devices.
SO4. Evaluation and functionality of the demonstrator model by integrating the technology for obtaining magnetic inks/pastes with deposition techniques used in microelectronic devices.
SO5. Consolidation and protection of intellectual property rights regarding the technologies elaborated within the project.
SO6. An efficient collaboration and project management to diminish the risks of implementation and to avoid delays.
The project approaches an experimental and demonstrative research seeking the development of novel magnetic inks/pastes to be used for screen-coating (printing) of micropumps and is expected to achieve a directional movement in a controlled electromagnetic external field. In view of implementing the demonstrator model, the project begins from a conceptual level which consists in the design of a composite type ink/paste material, capable of responding to a magnetic field (TRL 2). The expertise of the consortium as presented in the section devoted to preliminary results is a proof of the TRL2 level. At the next level, the proof-of-concept will be validated by initiation of the active process of research and development involving preliminary laboratory studies, which aim to confirm the analytical predictions of separate components (TRL3). Thus, the obtained data will be integrated in order to identify the most suitable material’s formula and deposition technique for assuring targeted application. The final stage of the current project is to develop an EM actuated micropump based on implementing these innovative technological components which will be validated by laboratory studies (TLR4). By achieving these levels of Technology Readiness, the current project will represent a step further towards the development of new magnetic micropumps which are expected to increase their use in applications like (bio)chemical sensing or drug delivery.
Research activities are carried out in effective collaboration between University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and NANOM MEMS SRL and involves preliminary studies to obtain magnetic nanoparticles; formulation of magnetic pastes/inks with predetermined characteristics; initiation of magnetic pastes/inks depositions on specific substrates used in BioMEMS devices, followed by complex characterizations regarding physico-chemical properties, including electrical ones. Also, the functionality of the developed films will be tested at laboratory level to prove their actuation characteristics. To optimize the performances of the formulations of magnetic inks/pastes, special attention will be paid to the development of magnetic nanoparticles with desired size, but also functionalized according to the polymeric component of the paste.

- Co-precipitation of Fe3+ and Me2+ (Me = Fe, Co, Ni, …) to generate easily dispersible magnetic fluids / pastes.
- Starting the stage of optimization of the synthesis conditions to obtain dispersible nanoparticles with reduced agglomeration tendency, selection of suitable stabilizing agents, identification of multifunctional agents with stabilization potential and binding to polymeric resin.
- Optimization of the synthesis conditions in order to obtain dispersible nanoparticles with reduced agglomeration tendency, selection of suitable stabilizing agents, identification of multifunctional agents with stabilization potential and binding to polymeric resin.
- Selection of polymer(s) to be used as binder(s) for ferromagnetic powders.
- Compositional, morpho-structural and dimensional evaluation of magnetic nanopowders, evaluation of colloidal and chemical stability using modern techniques: FTIR, XRD, VSM, SEM, TEM, ATD-TG, DLS etc.
- Chemical modification of the surface of magnetic nanoparticles to assure compatibility with the polymers used as a binder.
- Industrial research regarding testing of the magnetic pastes with characteristics adapted to various deposition technologies (screen printing, dr. Blade, dip coating etc.).
- Characterization of the films deposited (FTIR, XRD, SEM, TEM, ATD-TG etc.):
- Evaluation of the stability of magnetic pastes / inks (segregation, oxidation etc.) but also of the adhesion of the deposits and its continuity; assessment of electrical properties of deposits
- Selection of the optimum experimental models of the masks to be used for the deposition of the functional layers.
- Design of the proper geometric models for the development of micro-pumps and magnetic actuators.
- Testing the obtained deposits in the context of magnetic actuator devices.
- Industrial research regarding optimal deposition techniques for obtaining magnetically actuated devices.
- Assessment of the functionality of magnetic films
- Evaluation of stability of deposits under simulated conditions (including in humid environments)
- Optimization of the films in order to enhance the functional parameters magneto-electric properties
- Functionality testing of the devices
Phase 1: 3 experimental models of magnetic fluids; web page of the project.
Phase 2: 1 report on the technology for obtaining magnetic pastes / inks; Characterization reports; 3 formulas of magnetic pastes / inks; Characterization reports on the deposited films; Film stability assessment report; Methodology for depositing magnetic pastes / inks; Technical report; 3 scientific articles published in ISI indexed journals (1 review); 2 participations in scientific meetings; web page update.
Phase 3: Methodology for parameter testing; Methodology for validation of deposits; 1 patent application filed; 2 scientific articles published in ISI indexed journals; 2 participations in scientific meetings; web page update
Partener (P1) – NANOM MEMS SRL